Society of Young Magicians

The Society of Young Magicians (SYM) is a group of magicians, age seven through seventeen, which is sponsored by the Society of American Magicians. The Society of Young Magicians has clubs, known as "assemblies" around the world usually associated with an adult SAM group.

Youth aged 7 through 17 can join the SYM. When a member turns 18, they graduate to full membership in the Society of American Magicians.

The purpose of the Society of Young Magicians is to promote interest in magic as a hobby that develops skill and self-confidence, the ability to speak in public, discipline that comes from learning, practicing and performing magic and a sense of service to others through helping others learn magic and by performing magic at charitable events.

The Society of Young Magicians has nearly 100 local chapters, or assemblies, around the world. Adult members of the Society of American Magicians supervise and instruct members of the SYM.

Jann Goodsell is the SYM National Director. SYM's principle means of communication among its members is its e-zine, "The Magic SYMbol."

See also
