Reflexive locally convex spaces


The notion of reflexive Banach space can be generalized to topological vector spaces in the following way.

Let X be a topological vector space over a number field 𝔽 (of real numbers or complex numbers ). Consider its strong dual space Xb, which consists of all continuous linear functionals f:X𝔽 and is equipped with the strong topology b(X,X), that is,, the topology of uniform convergence on bounded subsets in X. The space Xb is a topological vector space (to be more precise, a locally convex space), so one can consider its strong dual space (Xb)b, which is called the strong bidual space for X. It consists of all continuous linear functionals h:Xb𝔽 and is equipped with the strong topology b((Xb),Xb). Each vector xX generates a map J(x):Xb𝔽 by the following formula: J(x)(f)=f(x),fX. This is a continuous linear functional on Xb, that is,, J(x)(Xb)b. This induces a map called the evaluation map: J:X(Xb)b. This map is linear. If X is locally convex, from the Hahn–Banach theorem it follows that J is injective and open (that is, for each neighbourhood of zero U in X there is a neighbourhood of zero V in (Xb)b such that J(U)VJ(X)). But it can be non-surjective and/or discontinuous.

A locally convex space X is called

  • semi-reflexive if the evaluation map J:X(Xb)b is surjective (hence bijective),
  • reflexive if the evaluation map J:X(Xb)b is surjective and continuous (in this case J is an isomorphism of topological vector spaces[1]).

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Semireflexive spaces




If X is a Hausdorff locally convex space then the following are equivalent:

  1. X is semireflexive;
  2. The weak topology on X had the Heine-Borel property (that is, for the weak topology σ(X,X), every closed and bounded subset of Xσ is weakly compact).[2]
  3. If linear form on X that continuous when X has the strong dual topology, then it is continuous when X has the weak topology;[3]
  4. Xτ is barreled;[3]
  5. X with the weak topology σ(X,X) is quasi-complete.[3]

Characterizations of reflexive spaces


If X is a Hausdorff locally convex space then the following are equivalent:

  1. X is reflexive;
  2. X is semireflexive and infrabarreled;[4]
  3. X is semireflexive and barreled;
  4. X is barreled and the weak topology on X had the Heine-Borel property (that is, for the weak topology σ(X,X), every closed and bounded subset of Xσ is weakly compact).[2]
  5. X is semireflexive and quasibarrelled.[5]

If X is a normed space then the following are equivalent:

  1. X is reflexive;
  2. The closed unit ball is compact when X has the weak topology σ(X,X).[6]
  3. X is a Banach space and Xb is reflexive.[7]
  4. Every sequence (Cn)n=1, with Cn+1Cn for all n of nonempty closed bounded convex subsets of X has nonempty intersection.[8]

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Sufficient conditions

Normed spaces

A normed space that is semireflexive is a reflexive Banach space.[9] A closed vector subspace of a reflexive Banach space is reflexive.[4]

Let X be a Banach space and M a closed vector subspace of X. If two of X,M, and X/M are reflexive then they all are.[4] This is why reflexivity is referred to as a three-space property.[4]

Topological vector spaces

If a barreled locally convex Hausdorff space is semireflexive then it is reflexive.[2]

The strong dual of a reflexive space is reflexive.[10]Every Montel space is reflexive.[6] And the strong dual of a Montel space is a Montel space (and thus is reflexive).[6]



A locally convex Hausdorff reflexive space is barrelled. If X is a normed space then I:XX is an isometry onto a closed subspace of X.[9] This isometry can be expressed by: |x|=sup|x|1xX,|x,x|.

Suppose that X is a normed space and X is its bidual equipped with the bidual norm. Then the unit ball of X, I({xX:x1}) is dense in the unit ball {xX:x1} of X for the weak topology σ(X,X).[9]


  1. Every finite-dimensional Hausdorff topological vector space is reflexive, because J is bijective by linear algebra, and because there is a unique Hausdorff vector space topology on a finite dimensional vector space.
  2. A normed space X is reflexive as a normed space if and only if it is reflexive as a locally convex space. This follows from the fact that for a normed space X its dual normed space X coincides as a topological vector space with the strong dual space Xb. As a corollary, the evaluation map J:XX coincides with the evaluation map J:X(Xb)b, and the following conditions become equivalent:
    1. X is a reflexive normed space (that is, J:XX is an isomorphism of normed spaces),
    2. X is a reflexive locally convex space (that is, J:X(Xb)b is an isomorphism of topological vector spaces[1]),
    3. X is a semi-reflexive locally convex space (that is, J:X(Xb)b is surjective).
  3. A (somewhat artificial) example of a semi-reflexive space that is not reflexive is obtained as follows: let Y be an infinite dimensional reflexive Banach space, and let X be the topological vector space (Y,σ(Y,Y)), that is, the vector space Y equipped with the weak topology. Then the continuous dual of X and Y are the same set of functionals, and bounded subsets of X (that is, weakly bounded subsets of Y) are norm-bounded, hence the Banach space Y is the strong dual of X. Since Y is reflexive, the continuous dual of X=Y is equal to the image J(X) of X under the canonical embedding J, but the topology on X (the weak topology of Y) is not the strong topology β(X,X), that is equal to the norm topology of Y.
  4. Montel spaces are reflexive locally convex topological vector spaces. In particular, the following functional spaces frequently used in functional analysis are reflexive locally convex spaces:[11]
    • the space C(M) of smooth functions on arbitrary (real) smooth manifold M, and its strong dual space (C)(M) of distributions with compact support on M,
    • the space 𝒟(M) of smooth functions with compact support on arbitrary (real) smooth manifold M, and its strong dual space 𝒟(M) of distributions on M,
    • the space 𝒪(M) of holomorphic functions on arbitrary complex manifold M, and its strong dual space 𝒪(M) of analytic functionals on M,
    • the Schwartz space 𝒮(n) on n, and its strong dual space 𝒮(n) of tempered distributions on n.


  • There exists a non-reflexive locally convex TVS whose strong dual is reflexive.[12]
  1. ^ a b An isomorphism of topological vector spaces is a linear and a homeomorphic map φ:XY.
  2. ^ a b c Trèves 2006, pp. 372–374.
  3. ^ a b c Schaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 144.
  4. ^ a b c d Narici & Beckenstein 2011, pp. 488–491.
  5. ^ Khaleelulla 1982, pp. 32–63.
  6. ^ a b c Trèves 2006, p. 376.
  7. ^ Trèves 2006, p. 377.
  8. ^ Bernardes 2012.
  9. ^ a b c Trèves 2006, p. 375.
  10. ^ Schaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 145.
  11. ^ Template:Harvnb.
  12. ^ Schaefer & Wolff 1999, pp. 190–202.