Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Sandbox/Wnt/doc

-- flaws in the current implementation are:
-- * Looks at every args[i]
-- * Allows an "=" in the first parameter (i.e. the function) but that screws up all the other args in a way I don't understand.

local p = {}
local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs
function p.main(frame, k)
    local oargs = getArgs(frame)
    local args = {[1] = k}
    if k then offset = 1 else offset = 0 end
    local i = 0
    	i = i + 1
    	args[i+offset] = oargs[i]
    until (not oargs[i])
    setmetatable(args, {__index = oargs}) -- to allow the new "args" to return the original named parameters
    return "test args are 1 = " .. (args[1] or "") .. "; 2 = " .. (args[2] or "") .. "; 3 = " .. (args[3] or "") .. "; named = " .. (args['named'] or "NULL")
local q = { 
    __index = function (t, k, whozis)
        return function(frame) return t.main(frame,k) end
return p