Template:Script doc autoNote: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: hold down the Ctrl key and click the Refresh or Reload button. Firefox: hold down the Shift key while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R). Google Chrome and Safari users can just click the Reload button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
mw.loader.implement("ext.gadget.Navigation_popups@02mavff", function($, jQuery, require, module) {
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            string: {},
            wiki: {},
            misc: {},
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            flag: {},
            cache: {},
            structures: {},
            timer: {},
            counter: {},
            current: {},
            fn: {},
            endoflist: null
        var pop = {
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            util: {},
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        function popupsReady() {
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                return false;
            return true;

        function setupTooltips(container, remove, force, popData) {
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        defaultPopupsContainer() {
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                return document.getElementById('mw_content') || document.getElementById('content') || document.getElementById('article') || document;
            return document;

        function setupTooltipsLoop(anchors, begin, howmany, sleep, remove, popData) {
            log(simplePrintf('setupTooltipsLoop(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', arguments));
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                        log('got null anchor at index ' + loopend - j);
                    doTooltip(a, popData);
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        rmTocTooltips() {
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            a.hasPopup = !1;

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                a.originalTitle = a.title;
            a.title = '';

        function restoreTitle(a) {
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            a.title = a.originalTitle;

        function registerHooks(np) {
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                                'document.body.clientWidth > ' + popupMaxWidth + ' ? "' + popupMaxWidth + 'px": "auto"');
                    } catch (errors) {
                        errlog("Running on IE8 are we not?: " + errors);
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        function mouseOverWikiLink(evt) {
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        function footnoteTarget(a) {
            var aTitle = Title.fromAnchor(a);
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                    return false;
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                    el = el.parentNode;
                } else {
                    return false;
            return false;

        function footnotePreview(x, navpop) {
            setPopupHTML('<hr />' + x.innerHTML, 'popupPreview', navpop.idNumber);

        modifierKeyHandler(a) {
            return function(evt) {
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                    return true;
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                    return true;
                mouseOverWikiLink2(a, evt);

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                return false;
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            return (evt && mod && evt[mod.toLowerCase() + 'Key']);

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                return false;
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                switch (action) {
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                            document[rmHandler](on + 'keydown', a.modifierKeyHandler, false);
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                    case 'disable':
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                return true;
            return false;

        function mouseOverWikiLink2(a, evt) {
            if (dealWithModifier(a, evt)) {
            if (getValueOf('removeTitles')) {
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                setDefault('popupStructure', 'original');
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                simplePopupContent(a, article);
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                    s.innerHTML = popupString('show preview');
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                nonsimplePopupContent(a, article);

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                navpopup: a.navpopup
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                }, 150);
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                setPopupHTML('<br>' + popupRedlinkHTML(article), 'popupRedlink', a.navpopup.idNumber);

        function debugData(navpopup) {
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                setPopupHTML('idNumber=' + navpopup.idNumber + ', pending=' + navpopup.pending, 'popupError', navpopup.idNumber);

        function newNavpopup(a, article) {
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            navpopup.idNumber = ++pg.idNumber;
            navpopup.parentAnchor = a;
            navpopup.parentPopup = (a.popData && a.popData.owner);
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        function nonsimplePopupContent(a, article) {
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                history = (params.action == 'history');
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            var referenceElement = footnoteTarget(a);
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                loadAPIPreview('contribs', article, a.navpopup);
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                loadAPIPreview('imagepagepreview', article, a.navpopup);
                loadImage(article, a.navpopup);
            } else {
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                    loadAPIPreview('category', article, a.navpopup);
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                    loadAPIPreview('userinfo', article, a.navpopup);
                startArticlePreview(article, oldid, a.navpopup);

        function pendingNavpopTask(navpop) {
            if (navpop && navpop.pending === null) {
                navpop.pending = 0;

        function completedNavpopTask(navpop) {
            if (navpop && navpop.pending) {

        function startArticlePreview(article, oldid, navpop) {
            navpop.redir = 0;
            loadPreview(article, oldid, navpop);

        function loadPreview(article, oldid, navpop) {
            if (!navpop.redir) {
                navpop.originalArticle = article;
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                var id = (navpop.redir) ? 'DOWNLOAD_PREVIEW_REDIR_HOOK' : 'DOWNLOAD_PREVIEW_HOOK';
                navpop.addHook(function() {
                    getWiki(article, insertPreview, oldid, navpop);
                    return true;
                }, 'unhide', 'before', id);
            } else {
                getWiki(article, insertPreview, oldid, navpop);

        function loadPreviewFromRedir(redirMatch, navpop) {
            var target = new Title().fromWikiText(redirMatch[2]);
            if (navpop.article.anchor) {
                target.anchor = navpop.article.anchor;
            var trailingRubbish = redirMatch[4];
            navpop.redirTarget = target;
            var warnRedir = redirLink(target, navpop.article);
            setPopupHTML(warnRedir, 'popupWarnRedir',
            navpop.article = target;
                redir: !0,
                redirTarget: target,
                navpopup: navpop
            return loadPreview(target, null, navpop);

        function insertPreview(download) {
            if (!download.owner) {
            var redirMatch = pg.re.redirect.exec(download.data);
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                loadPreviewFromRedir(redirMatch, download.owner);
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                var id = (download.owner.redir) ? 'PREVIEW_REDIR_HOOK' : 'PREVIEW_HOOK';
                download.owner.addHook(function() {
                    return true;
                }, 'unhide', 'after', id);

        function insertPreviewNow(download) {
            if (!download.owner) {
            var wikiText = download.data;
            var navpop = download.owner;
            var art = navpop.redirTarget || navpop.originalArticle;
            makeFixDabs(wikiText, navpop);
            if (getValueOf('popupSummaryData')) {
                var info = getPageInfo(wikiText, download);
                setPopupTrailer(getPageInfo(wikiText, download), navpop.idNumber);
            var imagePage = '';
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                imagePage = art.toString();
            } else {
                imagePage = getValidImageFromWikiText(wikiText);
            if (imagePage) {
                loadImage(Title.fromWikiText(imagePage), navpop);
            if (getValueOf('popupPreviews')) {
                insertArticlePreview(download, art, navpop);

        function insertArticlePreview(download, art, navpop) {
            if (download && typeof download.data == typeof '') {
                if (art.namespaceId() == pg.nsTemplateId && getValueOf('popupPreviewRawTemplates')) {
                    var h = '<hr /><span style="font-family: monospace;">' + download.data.entify().split('\\n').join('<br />\\n') + '</span>';
                    setPopupHTML(h, 'popupPreview', navpop.idNumber);
                } else {
                    var p = prepPreviewmaker(download.data, art, navpop);

        function prepPreviewmaker(data, article, navpop) {
            var d = anchorize(data, article.anchorString());
            var urlBase = joinPath([pg.wiki.articlebase, article.urlString()]);
            var p = new Previewmaker(d, urlBase, navpop);
            return p;

        function anchorize(d, anch) {
            if (!anch) {
                return d;
            var anchRe = RegExp('(?:=+\\s*' + literalizeRegex(anch).replace(/[_ ]/g, '[_ ]') + '\\s*=+|\\{\\{\\s*' + getValueOf('popupAnchorRegexp') + '\\s*(?:\\|[^|}]*)*?\\s*' + literalizeRegex(anch) + '\\s*(?:\\|[^}]*)?\}\})');
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            if (match && match.length > 0 && match[0]) {
                return d.substring(d.indexOf(match[0]));
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                lines[i] = lines[i].replace(RegExp('[[]{2}([^|\\]]*?[|])?(.*?)[\\]]{2}', 'g'), '$2').replace(/'''([^'])/g, '$1').replace(RegExp("''([^'])", 'g'), '$1');
                if (lines[i].match(anchRe)) {
                    return d.split('\n').slice(i).join('\n').replace(RegExp('^[^=]*'), '');
            return d;

        function killPopup() {
            if (getValueOf('popupShortcutKeys')) {
            if (!pg) {
            if (pg.current.link && pg.current.link.navpopup) {
            pg.current.link = null;
            if (pg.timer.checkPopupPosition) {
                pg.timer.checkPopupPosition = null;
            return true;

        function Drag() {
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        Drag.prototype.fixE = function(e) {
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                e.layerX = e.offsetX;
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                e.layerY = e.offsetY;
            return e;
        Drag.prototype.init = function(o, oRoot) {
            var dragObj = this;
            this.obj = o;
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                dragObj.start.apply(dragObj, [e]);
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        Drag.prototype.start = function(e) {
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            var y = parseInt(o.vmode ? o.root.style.top : o.root.style.bottom, 10);
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            o.lastMouseX = e.clientX;
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            var dragObj = this;
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            onmousemove = function(e) {
                dragObj.drag.apply(dragObj, [e]);
            document.onmouseup = function(e) {
                dragObj.end.apply(dragObj, [e]);
            return false;
        Drag.prototype.drag = function(e) {
            e = this.fixE(e);
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            nx = x + ((ex - o.lastMouseX) * (o.hmode ? 1 : -1));
            ny = y + ((ey - o.lastMouseY) * (o.vmode ? 1 : -1));
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            this.obj.root.onthis(nx, ny);
            return false;
        Drag.prototype.end = function() {
            document.onmousemove = this.obj.onmousemoveDefault;
            document.onmouseup = null;
            this.obj.dragging = !1;
            if (this.endHook) {
                this.endHook(parseInt(this.obj.root.style[this.obj.hmode ? "left" : "right"], 10), parseInt(this.obj.root.style[this.obj.vmode ? "top" : "bottom"], 10));
        pg.structures.original = {};
        pg.structures.original.popupLayout =
            function() {
                return ['popupError', 'popupImage', 'popupTopLinks', 'popupTitle', 'popupData', 'popupOtherLinks', 'popupRedir', ['popupWarnRedir', 'popupRedirTopLinks', 'popupRedirTitle', 'popupRedirData', 'popupRedirOtherLinks'], 'popupMiscTools', ['popupRedlink'], 'popupPrePreviewSep', 'popupPreview', 'popupSecondPreview', 'popupPreviewMore', 'popupPostPreview', 'popupFixDab'];
        pg.structures.original.popupRedirSpans = function() {
            return ['popupRedir', 'popupWarnRedir', 'popupRedirTopLinks', 'popupRedirTitle', 'popupRedirData', 'popupRedirOtherLinks'];
        pg.structures.original.popupTitle = function(x) {
            if (!getValueOf('popupNavLinks')) {
                return navlinkStringToHTML('<b><<mainlink>></b>', x.article, x.params);
            return '';
        pg.structures.original.popupTopLinks = function(x) {
            if (getValueOf('popupNavLinks')) {
                return navLinksHTML(x.article, x.hint, x.params);
            return '';
        pg.structures.original.popupImage = function(x) {
            log('original.popupImage, x.article=' + x.article +
                ', x.navpop.idNumber=' + x.navpop.idNumber);
            return imageHTML(x.article, x.navpop.idNumber);
        pg.structures.original.popupRedirTitle = pg.structures.original.popupTitle;
        pg.structures.original.popupRedirTopLinks = pg.structures.original.popupTopLinks;

        function copyStructure(oldStructure, newStructure) {
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            for (var prop in pg.structures[oldStructure]) {
                pg.structures[newStructure][prop] = pg.structures[oldStructure][prop];
        copyStructure('original', 'nostalgia');
        pg.structures.nostalgia.popupTopLinks = function(x) {
            var str = '';
            str += '<b><<mainlink|shortcut= >></b>';
            str += 'if(user){<br><<contribs|shortcut=c>>';
            str += 'if(wikimedia){*<<count|shortcut=#>>}';
            str += 'if(ipuser){}else{*<<email|shortcut=E>>}if(admin){*<<block|shortcut=b>>}}';
            var editstr = '<<edit|shortcut=e>>';
            var editOldidStr = 'if(oldid){<<editOld|shortcut=e>>|<<revert|shortcut=v|rv>>|<<edit|cur>>}else{' + editstr + '}';
            var historystr = '<<history|shortcut=h>>';
            var watchstr = '<<unwatch|unwatchShort>>|<<watch|shortcut=w|watchThingy>>';
            str += '<br>if(talk){' + editOldidStr + '|<<new|shortcut=+>>' + '*' + historystr + '*' + watchstr + '*' + '<b><<article|shortcut=a>></b>|<<editArticle|edit>>' + '}else{' + editOldidStr + '*' + historystr + '*' + watchstr + '*' + '<b><<talk|shortcut=t>></b>|<<editTalk|edit>>|<<newTalk|shortcut=+|new>>}';
            str += '<br><<whatLinksHere|shortcut=l>>*<<relatedChanges|shortcut=r>>';
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            str += 'if(admin){*<<unprotect|unprotectShort>>|<<protect|shortcut=p>>*' + '<<undelete|undeleteShort>>|<<delete|shortcut=d>>}';
            return navlinkStringToHTML(str, x.article, x.params);
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            return navlinkStringToHTML('<font size=+0><<mainlink>></font>', x.article, x.params);
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            var hist = '<<history|shortcut=h|hist>>|<<lastEdit|shortcut=/|last>>if(mainspace_en){|<<editors|shortcut=E|eds>>}';
            var watch =
            var move = '<<move|shortcut=m|move>>';
            return navlinkStringToHTML('if(talk){' + '<<edit|shortcut=e>>|<<new|shortcut=+|+>>*' + hist + '*' + '<<article|shortcut=a>>|<<editArticle|edit>>' + '*' + watch + '*' + move + '}else{<<edit|shortcut=e>>*' + hist + '*<<talk|shortcut=t|>>|<<editTalk|edit>>|<<newTalk|shortcut=+|new>>' + '*' + watch + '*' + move + '}<br>', x.article, x.params);
        pg.structures.fancy.popupOtherLinks = function(x) {
            var admin = '<<unprotect|unprotectShort>>|<<protect|shortcut=p>>*<<undelete|undeleteShort>>|<<delete|shortcut=d|del>>';
            var user = '<<contribs|shortcut=c>>if(wikimedia){|<<count|shortcut=#|#>>}';
            user += 'if(ipuser){|<<arin>>}else{*<<email|shortcut=E|' + popupString('email') + '>>}if(admin){*<<block|shortcut=b>>}';
            var normal = '<<whatLinksHere|shortcut=l|links here>>*<<relatedChanges|shortcut=r|related>>';
            return navlinkStringToHTML('<br>if(user){' + user + '*}if(admin){' + admin + 'if(user){<br>}else{*}}' + normal, x.article, x.params);
        popupRedirTitle = pg.structures.fancy.popupTitle;
        pg.structures.fancy.popupRedirTopLinks = pg.structures.fancy.popupTopLinks;
        pg.structures.fancy.popupRedirOtherLinks = pg.structures.fancy.popupOtherLinks;
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            return '<br>' + pg.structures.fancy.popupTopLinks(x).replace(RegExp('<br>$', 'i'), '');
        pg.structures.fancy2.popupLayout = function() {
            return ['popupError', 'popupImage', 'popupTitle', 'popupData', 'popupTopLinks', 'popupOtherLinks', 'popupRedir', ['popupWarnRedir', 'popupRedirTopLinks', 'popupRedirTitle', 'popupRedirData', 'popupRedirOtherLinks'], 'popupMiscTools', ['popupRedlink'], 'popupPrePreviewSep', 'popupPreview', 'popupSecondPreview', 'popupPreviewMore', 'popupPostPreview', 'popupFixDab'];
        copyStructure('original', 'menus');
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            ], 'popupData', 'popupMiscTools', ['popupRedlink'], 'popupPrePreviewSep', 'popupPreview', 'popupSecondPreview', 'popupPreviewMore', 'popupPostPreview', 'popupFixDab'];

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            } else {
        pg.structures.menus.popupTopLinks = function(x, shorter) {
            var s = [];
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            var lastedit = '<<lastEdit|shortcut=/|show last edit>>';
            var thank = 'if(diff){<<thank|send thanks>>}';
            var jsHistory = '<<lastContrib|last set of edits>><<sinceMe|changes since mine>>';
            var linkshere = '<<whatLinksHere|shortcut=l|what links here>>';
            var related = '<<relatedChanges|shortcut=r|related changes>>';
            var search =
                '<menurow><<search|shortcut=s>>if(wikimedia){|<<globalsearch|shortcut=g|global>>}' + '|<<google|shortcut=G|web>></menurow>';
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            var editRow = 'if(oldid){' + '<menurow><<edit|shortcut=e>>|<<editOld|shortcut=e|this&nbsp;revision>></menurow>' + '<menurow><<revert|shortcut=v>>|<<undo>></menurow>' + '}else{<<edit|shortcut=e>>}';
            var markPatrolled = 'if(rcid){<<markpatrolled|mark patrolled>>}';
            var newTopic = 'if(talk){<<new|shortcut=+|new topic>>}';
            var protectDelete = 'if(admin){' + protect + del + '}';
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                getValueOf('popupActionsMenu')) {
                s.push('<<mainlink>>*' + dropdiv + menuTitle('actions'));
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            s.push(editRow + markPatrolled + newTopic + hist + lastedit + thank);
            if (!shorter) {
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                s.push(nullPurge + search);
            if (!shorter) {
            s.push('<hr />' + watch + protectDelete);
            s.push('<hr />' + 'if(talk){<<article|shortcut=a|view article>><<editArticle|edit article>>}' + 'else{<<talk|shortcut=t|talk page>><<editTalk|edit talk>>' + '<<newTalk|shortcut=+|new topic>>}</menu>' + enddiv);
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            var contribs = 'if(wikimedia){<menurow>}<<contribs|shortcut=c|contributions>>if(wikimedia){</menurow>}' + 'if(admin){<menurow><<deletedContribs>></menurow>}';
            s.push('if(user){*' + dropdiv + menuTitle('user'));
            s.push('<<userTalk|shortcut=t|user talk>><<editUserTalk|edit user talk>>' +
                '<<newUserTalk|shortcut=+|leave comment>>');
            if (!shorter) {
                s.push('if(ipuser){<<arin>>}else{' + email + '}');
            } else {
                s.push('if(ipuser){}else{' + email + '}');
            s.push('<hr />' + contribs + '<<userlog|shortcut=L|user log>>');
            s.push('if(wikimedia){<<count|shortcut=#|edit counter>>}');
            s.push('if(admin){<menurow><<unblock|unblockShort>>|<<block|shortcut=b|block user>></menurow>}');
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                s.push('</menu>' + enddiv);
            return navlinkStringToHTML(s.join(''), x.article, x.params);

        function menuTitle(s) {
            return '<a href="#" noPopup=1>' + popupString(s) + '</a>';
        pg.structures.menus.popupRedirTitle = pg.structures.menus.popupTitle;
        pg.structures.menus.popupRedirTopLinks = pg.
        copyStructure('menus', 'shortmenus');
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            return ['popupTitle', 'popupPreview'];
        pg.structures.lite.popupTitle = function(x) {
            log(x.article + ': structures.lite.popupTitle');
            return '<div><span class="popup_mainlink"><b>' + x.article.toString() + '</b></span></div>';

        function substitute(data, cmdBody) {
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            return data;

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                return [];
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                    return false;
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            return false;

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            return str.split('\\\\').join('\\').split('\\' + sep).join(sep).split('\\n').join('\n');

        function parseSubstitute(str) {
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                return false;
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                str = tmp.remainder;
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                return false;
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                str = tmp.remainder;
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                return false;
            flags = '';
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                    flags = tmp.segment;
                    str = tmp.remainder;
            return {
                action: substitute,
                from: from,
                to: to,
                flags: flags,
                remainder: str

        function skipOver(str, sep) {
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            if (endSegment < 0) {
                return false;
            var segment = unEscape(str.substring(0, endSegment), sep);
            return {
                segment: segment,
                remainder: str.substring(endSegment + 1)

        function skipToEnd(str, sep) {
            return {
                segment: str,
                remainder: ''

        function findNext(str, ch) {
            for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
                if (str.charAt(i) == '\\') {
                    i += 2;
                if (str.charAt(i) == ch) {
                    return i;
            return -1;

        function setCheckbox(param, box) {
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                switch (val) {
                    case '1':
                    case 'yes':
                    case 'true':
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                    case '0':
                    case 'no':
                    case 'false':
                        box.checked = !1;

        function autoEdit() {
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                } catch (dang) {
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                    if (wikEdUseWikEd === true) {
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            } else {

        function autoEdit2(d) {
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            var summaryprompt = mw.util.getParamValue('autosummaryprompt');
            var summarynotice = '';
            if (d && d.data && mw.util.getParamValue(
                    'autorv')) {
                var s = getRvSummary(summary, d.data);
                if (s === false) {
                    summaryprompt = !0;
                    summarynotice = popupString('Failed to get revision information, please edit manually.\n\n');
                    summary = simplePrintf(summary, [mw.util.getParamValue('autorv'), '(unknown)', '(unknown)']);
                } else {
                    summary = s;
            if (summaryprompt) {
                var txt = summarynotice + popupString('Enter a non-empty edit summary or press cancel to abort');
                var response = prompt(txt, summary);
                if (response) {
                    summary = response;
                } else {
            if (summary) {
                document.editform.wpSummary.value = summary;
            setTimeout(autoEdit3, 100);

        function autoClickToken() {
            return mw.user.sessionId();

        function autoEdit3() {
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                    var msg = tprintf('The %s button has been automatically clicked. Please wait for the next page to load.', [button.value]);
                    document.title = '(' + document.title + ')';
                } else {
                    alert(tprintf('Could not find button %s. Please check the settings in your javascript file.', [btn]));

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                div.innerHTML = '<font size=+1><b>' + s + '</b></font>';
                headings[0].parentNode.insertBefore(div, headings[0]);

        function getRvSummary(template, json) {
            try {
                var o = getJsObj(json);
                var edit = anyChild(o.query.pages).revisions[0];
                var timestamp = edit.timestamp.split(/[A-Z]/g).join(' ').replace(/^ *| *$/g, '');
                return simplePrintf(template, [edit.revid, timestamp, edit.userhidden === undefined ? edit.user : '(hidden)']);
            } catch (badness) {
                return false;

        function Downloader(url) {
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            return this.http.send(x);
        Downloader.prototype.abort = function() {
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        Downloader.prototype.getData = function() {
            if (!this.http) {
                return null;
            return this.http.responseText;
        Downloader.prototype.setTarget = function() {
            if (!this.http) {
                return null;
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        Downloader.prototype.getReadyState = function() {
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            return this.http.readyState;
        pg.misc.downloadsInProgress = {};
        Downloader.prototype.start = function() {
            if (!this.http) {
            pg.misc.downloadsInProgress[this.id] = this;
        Downloader.prototype.getLastModifiedDate = function() {
            if (!this.http) {
                return null;
            var lastmod = null;
            try {
                lastmod = this.http.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified');
            } catch (err) {}
            if (lastmod) {
                return new Date(lastmod);
            return null;
        Downloader.prototype.setCallback = function(f) {
            if (!this.http) {
            this.http.onreadystatechange = f;
        Downloader.prototype.getStatus = function() {
            if (!this.http) {
                return null;
            return this.http.status;

        function newDownload(url, id, callback, onfailure) {
            var d = new Downloader(url);
            if (!d.http) {
                return 'ohdear';
            d.id = id;
            if (!onfailure) {
                onfailure = 2;
            var f = function() {
                if (d.getReadyState() == 4) {
                    delete pg.misc.downloadsInProgress[this.id];
                    try {
                        if (d.getStatus() == 200) {
                            d.data = d.getData();
                            d.lastModified = d.getLastModifiedDate();
                        } else if (typeof onfailure == typeof 1) {
                            if (onfailure > 0) {
                                newDownload(url, id, callback, onfailure - 1);
                        } else if ($.isFunction(onfailure)) {
                            onfailure(d, url, id, callback);
                    } catch (somerr) {}
            return d;

        function fakeDownload(url, id, callback, data, lastModified, owner) {
            var d = newDownload(url, callback);
            d.owner = owner;
            d.id = id;
            d.data = data;
            d.lastModified = lastModified;
            return callback(d);

        function startDownload(url, id, callback) {
            var d = newDownload(url, id, callback);
            if (typeof d == typeof '') {
                return d;
            return d;

        function abortAllDownloads() {
            for (var x in pg.misc.downloadsInProgress) {
                try {
                    pg.misc.downloadsInProgress[x].aborted = !0;
                    delete pg.misc.downloadsInProgress[x];
                } catch (e) {}
        var Insta = {};

        function setupLivePreview() {
            Insta.conf = {
                baseUrl: '',
                user: {},
                wiki: {
                    lang: pg.wiki.lang,
                    interwiki: pg.wiki.interwiki,
                    default_thumb_width: 180
                paths: {
                    articles: pg.wiki.articlePath + '/',
                    math: '/math/',
                    images: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/',
                    images_fallback: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/',
                locale: {
                    user: mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId],
                    image: mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsImageId],
                    category: mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsCategoryId],
                    months: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
            Insta.conf.user.name = Insta.conf.user.name || 'Wikipedian';
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            Insta.BLOCK_IMAGE = new RegExp('^\\[\\[(?:File|Image|' + Insta.conf.locale.image + '):.*?\\|.*?(?:frame|thumbnail|thumb|none|right|left|center)', 'i');
        Insta.dump =
            function(from, to) {
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                if (typeof to == 'string') {
                    to = document.getElementById(to);
                to.innerHTML = this.convert(from.value);
        Insta.convert = function(wiki) {
            var ll = (typeof wiki == 'string') ? wiki.replace(/\r/g, '').split(/\n/) : wiki,
                o = '',
                p = 0,

            function remain() {
                return ll.length;

            function sh() {
                return ll.shift();

            function ps(s) {
                o += s;

            function f() {
                var i = 1,
                    a = arguments,
                    f = a[0],
                    o = '',
                    c, p;
                for (; i < a.length; i++) {
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                        i -= c = f.charAt(p + 1) == '?' ? 1 : 0;
                        o += f.substring(0, p) + (c ? '?' : a[i]);
                        f = f.substr(p + 1 + c);
                    } else {
                return o + f;

            function html_entities(s) {
                return s.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");

            function htmlescape_text(s) {
                return s.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/:/g, "&#58;").replace(/\[/g, "&#91;").replace(/]/g, "&#93;");

            function htmlescape_attr(s) {
                return htmlescape_text(s).replace(/'/g, "&#39;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;");

            function max(a, b) {
                return (a > b) ? a : b;

            function min(a, b) {
                return (a < b) ? a : b;

            function str_imatch(a, b) {
                for (var i = 0, l = min(a.length, b.length); i < l; i++) {
                    if (a.charAt(i) != b.charAt(i)) {
                return i;

            function $(c) {
                return (typeof c == 'string') ? (ll[0].substr(0, c.length) == c) : ($r = ll[0].match(c));

            function $$(c) {
                return ll[0] == c;

            function _(p) {
                return ll[0].charAt(p);

            function endl(s) {

            function parse_list() {
                var prev = '';
                while (remain() && $(/^([*#:;]+)(.*)$/)) {
                    var l_match = $r;
                    var ipos = str_imatch(prev, l_match[1]);
                    for (var prevPos = prev.length - 1; prevPos >= ipos; prevPos--) {
                        var pi = prev.charAt(prevPos);
                        if (pi == '*') {
                        } else if (pi == '#') {
                        } else if ($.inArray(l_match[1].charAt(prevPos), ['', '*', '#'])) {
                    for (var matchPos = ipos; matchPos < l_match[1].length; matchPos++) {
                        var li = l_match[1].charAt(matchPos);
                        if (li == '*') {
                        } else if (li == '#') {
                        } else if ($.inArray(prev.charAt(matchPos), ['', '*', '#'])) {
                    switch (l_match[1].charAt(l_match[1].length - 1)) {
                        case '*':
                        case '#':
                            ps('<li>' + parse_inline_nowiki(l_match[2]));
                        case ';':
                            var dt_match = l_match[2].match(/(.*?)(:.*?)$/);
                            if (dt_match) {
                            } else ps(parse_inline_nowiki(l_match[2]));
                        case ':':
                            ps('<dd>' + parse_inline_nowiki(l_match[2]));
                    prev = l_match[1];
                for (var i = prev.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    ps(f('</?>', (prev.charAt(i) == '*') ? 'ul' : ((prev.charAt(i) == '#') ? 'ol' : 'dl')));

            function parse_table() {
                endl(f('<table>', $(/^\{\|( .*)$/) ? $r[1] : ''));
                for (; remain();)
                    if ($('|')) switch (_(1)) {
                        case '}':
                        case '-':
                            endl(f('<tr>', $(/\|-*(.*)/)[1]));
                    } else if ($('!')) {
                    } else {

            function parse_table_data() {
                var td_line, match_i;
                var td_match = sh().match(/^(\|\+|\||!)((?:([^[|]*?)\|(?!\|))?(.*))$/);
                if (td_match[1] == '|+') ps('<caption');
                else ps('<t' + ((td_match[1] == '|') ? 'd' : 'h'));
                if (typeof td_match[3] != 'undefined') {
                    match_i = 4;
                } else match_i = 2;
                if (td_match[1] != '|+') {
                    td_line = td_match[match_i].split((td_match[1] == '|') ? '||' : /(?:\|\||!!)/);
                    while (td_line.length) ll.unshift(td_match[1] + td_line.pop());
                } else ps(td_match[match_i]);
                var tc = 0,
                    td = [];
                while (remain()) {
                    if ($('|')) {
                        if (!tc) break;
                        else if (_(1) == '}') tc--;
                    } else if (!tc && $('!')) break;
                    else if ($('{|')) tc++;
                if (td.length) ps(Insta.convert(td));

            function parse_pre() {
                do {
                    endl(parse_inline_nowiki(ll[0].substring(1)) + "\n");
                } while (remain() && $(' '));

            function parse_block_image() {

            function parse_image(str) {
                var tag = str.substring(str.indexOf(':') + 1, str.length - 2);
                var width;
                var attr = [],
                    filename, caption = '';
                var thumb = 0,
                    frame = 0,
                    center = 0;
                var align = '';
                if (tag.match(/\|/)) {
                    var nesting = 0;
                    var last_attr;
                    for (var i = tag.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                        if (tag.charAt(i) == '|' && !nesting) {
                            last_attr = tag.substr(i + 1);
                            tag = tag.substring(0, i);
                        } else switch (tag.substr(i - 1, 2)) {
                            case ']]':
                            case '[[':
                    attr = tag.split(/\s*\|\s*/);
                    filename = attr.shift();
                    var w_match;
                    for (; attr.length; attr.shift()) {
                        w_match = attr[0].
                        if (w_match) width = w_match[1];
                        else switch (attr[0]) {
                            case 'thumb':
                            case 'thumbnail':
                                thumb = !0;
                                frame = !0;
                            case 'frame':
                                frame = !0;
                            case 'none':
                            case 'right':
                            case 'left':
                                center = !1;
                                align = attr[0];
                            case 'center':
                                center = !0;
                                align = 'none';
                                if (attr.length == 1) caption = attr[0];
                } else filename = tag;
                var o = '';
                if (frame) {
                    if (align === '') align = 'right';
                    o += f("<div class='thumb t?'>", align);
                    if (thumb) {
                        if (!width) width = Insta.conf.wiki.default_thumb_width;
                        o += f("<div style='width:?px;'>?", 2 + width * 1, make_image(filename, caption, width)) + f("<div class='thumbcaption'><div class='magnify' style='float:right'><a href='?' title='Enlarge'></a></div>?</div>", htmlescape_attr(Insta.conf.paths.articles + Insta.conf.locale.image + ':' + filename), parse_inline_nowiki(caption));
                    } else {
                        o += '<div>' + make_image(filename, caption) + f("<div class='thumbcaption'>?</div>", parse_inline_nowiki(caption));
                    o += '</div></div>';
                } else if (align !== '') {
                    o += f("<div class='float?'><span>?</span></div>", align,
                        make_image(filename, caption, width));
                } else {
                    return make_image(filename, caption, width);
                return center ? f("<div class='center'>?</div>", o) : o;

            function parse_inline_nowiki(str) {
                var start, lastend = 0;
                var substart = 0,
                    nestlev = 0,
                    open, close, subloop;
                var html = '';
                while (-1 != (start = str.indexOf('<nowiki>', substart))) {
                    html += parse_inline_wiki(str.substring(lastend, start));
                    start += 8;
                    substart = start;
                    subloop = !0;
                    do {
                        open = str.indexOf('<nowiki>', substart);
                        close = str.indexOf('</nowiki>', substart);
                        if (close <= open || open == -1) {
                            if (close == -1) {
                                return html + html_entities(str.substr(start));
                            substart = close + 9;
                            if (nestlev) {
                            } else {
                                lastend = substart;
                                html += html_entities(str.substring(start, lastend - 9));
                                subloop = !1;
                        } else {
                            substart = open + 8;
                    } while (subloop);
                return html + parse_inline_wiki(str.substr(lastend));

            function make_image(filename, caption, width) {
                filename = filename.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + filename.substr(1);
                filename = filename.replace(/ /g, '_');
                caption = strip_inline_wiki(caption);
                var md5 = hex_md5(filename);
                var source = md5.charAt(0) + '/' + md5.substr(0, 2) + '/' + filename;
                if (width) width = "width='" + width + "px'";
                var img = "<img onerror=\"" + pg.escapeQuotesHTML("this.onerror=null;this.src='" + pg.jsescape(Insta.conf.paths.images_fallback + source) + "'") + "\" src=\"" + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(Insta.conf.paths.images + source) + "\" " + (caption !== '' ? "alt=\"" + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(caption) + "\"" : '') + " " + width + ">";
                return f("<a class='image' ? href=\"?\">?</a>", (caption !== '') ? "title=\"" + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(caption) + "\"" : '', pg.escapeQuotesHTML(Insta.conf.paths.articles + Insta.conf.locale.image + ':' + filename), img);

            function parse_inline_images(str) {
                var start, substart = 0,
                    nestlev = 0;
                var loop, close, open, wiki, html;
                while (-1 != (start = str.indexOf('[[', substart))) {
                    if (str.substr(start + 2).match(RegExp('^(Image|File|' + Insta.conf.locale.image + '):', 'i'))) {
                        loop = !0;
                        substart = start;
                        do {
                            substart += 2;
                            close = str.indexOf(']]', substart);
                            open = str.indexOf('[[', substart);
                            if (close <= open || open == -1) {
                                if (close == -1) return str;
                                substart = close;
                                if (nestlev) {
                                } else {
                                    wiki = str
                                        .substring(start, close + 2);
                                    html = parse_image(wiki);
                                    str = str.replace(wiki, html);
                                    substart = start + html.length;
                                    loop = !1;
                            } else {
                                substart = open;
                        } while (loop);
                    } else break;
                return str;

            function parse_inline_formatting(str) {
                var em, st, i, li, o = '';
                while ((i = str.indexOf("''", li)) + 1) {
                    o += str.substring(li, i);
                    li = i + 2;
                    if (str.charAt(i + 2) == "'") {
                        st = !st;
                        o += st ? '<strong>' : '</strong>';
                    } else {
                        em = !em;
                        o += em ? '<em>' : '</em>';
                return o + str.substr(li);

            function parse_inline_wiki(str) {
                var aux_match;
                str = parse_inline_images(str);
                str = parse_inline_formatting(str);
                str = str.replace(/<(?:)math>(.*?)<\/math>/ig, function(_, p1) {
                    return f("<img src='?.png'>", Insta.conf.paths.math + hex_md5(p1));
                var date = new Date();
                var minutes = date.getUTCMinutes();
                if (minutes < 10) minutes = '0' + minutes;
                date = f("?:?, ? ? ? (UTC)", date.getUTCHours(), minutes, date.getUTCDate(), Insta.conf.locale.months[date.getUTCMonth()], date.getUTCFullYear());
                return str.replace(/~{5}(?!~)/g, date).replace(/~{4}(?!~)/g, Insta.conf.user.name + ' ' + date).replace(
                    /~{3}(?!~)/g, Insta.conf.user.name).replace(RegExp('\\[\\[:((?:' + Insta.conf.locale.category + '|Image|File|' + Insta.conf.locale.image + '|' + Insta.conf.wiki.interwiki + '):[^|]*?)\\]\\](\w*)', 'gi'), function($0, $1, $2) {
                    return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.paths.articles + htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_text($1) + htmlescape_text($2));
                }).replace(RegExp('\\[\\[(?:' + Insta.conf.locale.category + '|' + Insta.conf.wiki.interwiki + '):.*?\\]\\]', 'gi'), '').replace(RegExp('\\[\\[:((?:' + Insta.conf.locale.category + '|Image|File|' + Insta.conf.locale.image + '|' + Insta.conf.wiki.interwiki + '):.*?)\\|([^\\]]+?)\\]\\](\\w*)', 'gi'), function($0, $1, $2, $3) {
                    return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.paths.articles + htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_text($2) + htmlescape_text($3));
                }).replace(/\[\[(\/[^|]*?)\]\]/g, function($0, $1) {
                    return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.baseUrl + htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_text($1));
                }).replace(/\[\[(\/.*?)\|(.+?)\]\]/g, function($0, $1, $2) {
                    return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.baseUrl + htmlescape_attr($1),
                }).replace(/\[\[([^[|]*?)\]\](\w*)/g, function($0, $1, $2) {
                    return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.paths.articles + htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_text($1) + htmlescape_text($2));
                }).replace(/\[\[([^[]*?)\|([^\]]+?)\]\](\w*)/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3) {
                    return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.paths.articles + htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_text($2) + htmlescape_text($3));
                }).replace(/\[\[([^\]]*?:)?(.*?)( *\(.*?\))?\|\]\]/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3) {
                    return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.paths.articles + htmlescape_attr($1) + htmlescape_attr($2) + htmlescape_attr($3), htmlescape_text($2));
                }).replace(/\[(https?|news|ftp|mailto|gopher|irc):(\/*)([^\]]*?) (.*?)\]/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
                    return f("<a class='external' href='?:?'>?</a>", htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_attr($2) + htmlescape_attr($3), htmlescape_text($4));
                }).replace(/\[http:\/\/(.*?)\]/g, function($0, $1) {
                    return f("<a class='external' href='http://?'>[#]</a>", htmlescape_attr($1));
                }).replace(/\[(news|ftp|mailto|gopher|irc):(\/*)(.*?)\]/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
                    return f("<a class='external' href='?:?'>?:?</a>", htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_attr($2) + htmlescape_attr($3), htmlescape_text($1), htmlescape_text($2) + htmlescape_text($3));
                }).replace(/(^| )(https?|news|ftp|mailto|gopher|irc):(\/*)([^ $]*[^.,!?;: $])/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
                    return f("?<a class='external' href='?:?'>?:?</a>", htmlescape_text($1), htmlescape_attr($2), htmlescape_attr($3) + htmlescape_attr($4), htmlescape_text($2), htmlescape_text($3) + htmlescape_text($4));
                }).replace('__NOTOC__', '').replace('__NOEDITSECTION__', '');

            function strip_inline_wiki(str) {
                return str.replace(/\[\[[^\]]*\|(.*?)\]\]/g, '$1').replace(/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/g, '$1').replace(/''(.*?)''/g, '$1');
            for (; remain();)
                if ($(/^(={1,6})(.*)\1(.*)$/)) {
                    p = 0;
                    endl(f('<h?>?</h?>?', $r[1].length, parse_inline_nowiki($r[2]), $r[1].length, $r[3]));
                } else if ($(/^[*#:;]/)) {
                p = 0;
            } else if ($(' ')) {
                p = 0;
            } else if ($('{|')) {
                p = 0;
            } else if ($(/^----+$/)) {
                p = 0;
                endl('<hr />');
            } else if ($(Insta.BLOCK_IMAGE)) {
                p = 0;
            } else {
                if ($$('')) {
                    p = (remain() > 1 && ll[1] === (''));
                    if (p) endl('<p><br>');
                } else {
                    if (!p) {
                        p = 1;
                    ps(parse_inline_nowiki(ll[0]) + ' ');
            return o;

        function wiki2html(txt, baseurl) {
            Insta.conf.baseUrl = baseurl;
            return Insta.convert(txt);

        function popupFilterPageSize(data) {
            return formatBytes(data.length);

        function popupFilterCountLinks(data) {
            var num = countLinks(data);
            return String(num) + '&nbsp;' + ((num != 1) ? popupString('wikiLinks') : popupString('wikiLink'));

        function popupFilterCountImages(data) {
            var num = countImages(data);
            return String(num) + '&nbsp;' + ((num != 1) ? popupString('images') : popupString('image'));

        function popupFilterCountCategories(data) {
            var num = countCategories(data);
            return String(num) + '&nbsp;' + ((num != 1) ? popupString('categories') : popupString('category'));

        function popupFilterLastModified(data, download) {
            var lastmod = download.lastModified;
            var now = new Date();
            var age = now - lastmod;
            if (lastmod && getValueOf('popupLastModified')) {
                return (tprintf('%s old', [formatAge(age)])).replace(RegExp(' ', 'g'), '&nbsp;');
            return '';

        function formatAge(age) {
            var a = 0 + age,
                aa = a;
            var seclen = 1000;
            var minlen = 60 * seclen;
            var hourlen = 60 * minlen;
            var daylen = 24 * hourlen;
            var weeklen = 7 * daylen;
            var numweeks = (a - a % weeklen) / weeklen;
            a = a - numweeks * weeklen;
            var sweeks = addunit(numweeks, 'week');
            var numdays = (a - a % daylen) / daylen;
            a = a - numdays * daylen;
            var sdays = addunit(numdays, 'day');
            var numhours = (a - a % hourlen) / hourlen;
            a = a - numhours * hourlen;
            var shours = addunit(numhours, 'hour');
            var nummins = (a - a % minlen) / minlen;
            a = a - nummins * minlen;
            var smins = addunit(nummins, 'minute');
            var numsecs = (a - a % seclen) / seclen;
            a = a - numsecs * seclen;
            var ssecs = addunit(numsecs, 'second');
            if (aa > 4 * weeklen) {
                return sweeks;
            if (aa > weeklen) {
                return sweeks + ' ' + sdays;
            if (aa > daylen) {
                return sdays + ' ' + shours;
            if (aa > 6 * hourlen) {
                return shours;
            if (aa > hourlen) {
                return shours + ' ' + smins;
            if (aa > 10 * minlen) {
                return smins;
            if (aa > minlen) {
                return smins + ' ' + ssecs;
            return ssecs;

        function addunit(num, str) {
            return '' + num + ' ' + ((num != 1) ? popupString(str + 's') : popupString(str));

        function runPopupFilters(list, data, download) {
            var ret = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
                if (list[i] && typeof list[i] == 'function') {
                    var s = list[i](data, download, download.owner.article);
                    if (s) {
            return ret;

        function getPageInfo(data, download) {
            if (!data || data.length === 0) {
                return popupString('Empty page');
            var popupFilters = getValueOf('popupFilters') || [];
            var extraPopupFilters = getValueOf('extraPopupFilters') || [];
            var pageInfoArray = runPopupFilters(popupFilters.concat(extraPopupFilters), data, download);
            var pageInfo = pageInfoArray.join(', ');
            if (pageInfo !== '') {
                pageInfo = upcaseFirst(pageInfo);
            return pageInfo;

        function countLinks(wikiText) {
            return wikiText.split('[[').length - 1;

        function countImages(wikiText) {
            return (wikiText.parenSplit(pg.re.image).length - 1) / (pg.re.imageBracketCount + 1);

        function countCategories(wikiText) {
            return (wikiText.parenSplit(pg.re.category).length - 1) / (pg.re.categoryBracketCount + 1);

        function popupFilterStubDetect(data, download, article) {
            var counts = stubCount(data, article);
            if (
                counts.real) {
                return popupString('stub');
            if (counts.sect) {
                return popupString('section stub');
            return '';

        function popupFilterDisambigDetect(data, download, article) {
            if (getValueOf('popupOnlyArticleDabStub') && article.namespace()) {
                return '';
            return (isDisambig(data, article)) ? popupString('disambig') : '';

        function formatBytes(num) {
            return (num > 949) ? (Math.round(num / 100) / 10 + popupString('kB')) : (num + '&nbsp;' + popupString('bytes'));

        function Stringwrapper() {
            this.indexOf = function(x) {
                return this.toString().indexOf(x);
            this.toString = function() {
                return this.value;
            this.parenSplit = function(x) {
                return this.toString().parenSplit(x);
            this.substring = function(x, y) {
                if (typeof y == 'undefined') {
                    return this.toString().substring(x);
                return this.toString().substring(x, y);
            this.split = function(x) {
                return this.toString().split(x);
            this.replace = function(x, y) {
                return this.toString().replace(x, y);

        function Title(val) {
            this.value = null;
            this.anchor = '';
        Title.prototype = new Stringwrapper();
        Title.prototype.toString =
            function(omitAnchor) {
                return this.value + ((!omitAnchor && this.anchor) ? '#' + this.anchorString() : '');
        Title.prototype.anchorString = function() {
            if (!this.anchor) {
                return '';
            var split = this.anchor.parenSplit(/((?:[.][0-9A-F]{2})+)/);
            var len = split.length;
            for (var j = 1; j < len; j += 2) {
                split[j] = decodeURIComponent(split[j].split('.').join('%')).split('_').join(' ');
            return split.join('');
        Title.prototype.urlAnchor = function() {
            var split = this.anchor.parenSplit('/((?:[%][0-9A-F]{2})+)/');
            var len = split.length;
            for (var j = 1; j < len; j += 2) {
                split[j] = split[j].split('%').join('.');
            return split.join('');
        Title.prototype.anchorFromUtf = function(str) {
            this.anchor = encodeURIComponent(str.split(' ').join('_')).split('%3A').join(':').split("'").join('%27').split('%').join('.');
        Title.fromURL = function(h) {
            return new Title().fromURL(h);
        Title.prototype.fromURL = function(h) {
            if (typeof h != 'string') {
                this.value = null;
                return this;
            var splitted = h.split('?');
            splitted[0] = splitted[0].split('&').join('%26');
            if (pg.flag.linksLikeIE6) {
                    [0] = encodeURI(decode_utf8(splitted[0]));
            h = splitted.join('?');
            var contribs = pg.re.contribs.exec(h);
            if (contribs) {
                if (contribs[1] == 'title=') {
                    contribs[3] = contribs[3].split('+').join(' ');
                var u = new Title(contribs[3]);
                this.setUtf(this.decodeNasties(mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId] + ':' + u.stripNamespace()));
                return this;
            var email = pg.re.email.exec(h);
            if (email) {
                this.setUtf(this.decodeNasties(mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId] + ':' + new Title(email[3]).stripNamespace()));
                return this;
            var backlinks = pg.re.backlinks.exec(h);
            if (backlinks) {
                this.setUtf(this.decodeNasties(new Title(backlinks[3])));
                return this;
            var specialdiff = pg.re.specialdiff.exec(h);
            if (specialdiff) {
                this.setUtf(this.decodeNasties(new Title(mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsSpecialId] + ':Diff')));
                return this;
            var m = pg.re.main.exec(h);
            if (m === null) {
                this.value = null;
            } else {
                var fromBotInterface = /[?](.+[&])?title=/.test(h);
                if (fromBotInterface) {
                    m[2] = m[2].split('+').join('_');
                var extracted = m[2] + (m[3] ?
                    '#' + m[3] : '');
                if (pg.flag.isSafari && /%25[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/.test(extracted)) {
                } else {
            return this;
        Title.prototype.decodeNasties = function(txt) {
            var ret = this.decodeEscapes(decodeURI(txt));
            ret = ret.replace(/[_ ]*$/, '');
            return ret;
        Title.prototype.decodeEscapes = function(txt) {
            var split = txt.parenSplit(/((?:[%][0-9A-Fa-f]{2})+)/);
            var len = split.length;
            for (var i = 1; i < len; i = i + 2) {
                split[i] = unescape(split[i]);
            return split.join('');
        Title.fromAnchor = function(a) {
            return new Title().fromAnchor(a);
        Title.prototype.fromAnchor = function(a) {
            if (!a) {
                this.value = null;
                return this;
            return this.fromURL(a.href);
        Title.fromWikiText = function(txt) {
            return new Title().fromWikiText(txt);
        Title.prototype.fromWikiText = function(txt) {
            if (!pg.flag.linksLikeIE6) {
                txt = myDecodeURI(txt);
            return this;
        Title.prototype.hintValue = function() {
            if (!this.value) {
                return '';
            return safeDecodeURI(this.value);
        toUserName = function(withNs) {
            if (this.namespaceId() != pg.nsUserId && this.namespaceId() != pg.nsUsertalkId) {
                this.value = null;
            this.value = (withNs ? mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId] + ':' : '') + this.stripNamespace().split('/')[0];
        Title.prototype.userName = function(withNs) {
            var t = (new Title(this.value));
            if (t.value) {
                return t;
            return null;
        Title.prototype.toTalkPage = function() {
            if (this.value === null) {
                return null;
            var namespaceId = this.namespaceId();
            if (namespaceId >= 0 && namespaceId % 2 === 0) {
                var localizedNamespace = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[namespaceId + 1];
                if (typeof localizedNamespace !== 'undefined') {
                    if (localizedNamespace === '') {
                        this.value = this.stripNamespace();
                    } else {
                        this.value = localizedNamespace.split(' ').join('_') + ':' + this.stripNamespace();
                    return this.value;
            this.value = null;
            return null;
        Title.prototype.namespace = function() {
            return mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[this.namespaceId()];
        Title.prototype.namespaceId = function() {
            var n = this.value.
            if (n < 0) {
                return 0;
            var namespaceId = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds')[this.value.substring(0, n).split(' ').join('_').toLowerCase()];
            if (typeof namespaceId == 'undefined') return 0;
            return namespaceId;
        Title.prototype.talkPage = function() {
            var t = new Title(this.value);
            if (t.value) {
                return t;
            return null;
        Title.prototype.isTalkPage = function() {
            if (this.talkPage() === null) {
                return true;
            return false;
        Title.prototype.toArticleFromTalkPage = function() {
            if (this.value === null) {
                return null;
            var namespaceId = this.namespaceId();
            if (namespaceId >= 0 && namespaceId % 2 == 1) {
                var localizedNamespace = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[namespaceId - 1];
                if (typeof localizedNamespace !== 'undefined') {
                    if (localizedNamespace === '') {
                        this.value = this.stripNamespace();
                    } else {
                        this.value = localizedNamespace.split(' ').join('_') + ':' + this.stripNamespace();
                    return this.value;
            this.value = null;
            return null;
        Title.prototype.articleFromTalkPage = function() {
            var t = new Title(this.value);
            if (t.value) {
                return t;
            return null;
        Title.prototype.articleFromTalkOrArticle = function() {
            var t = new Title(this.value);
            if (t.toArticleFromTalkPage()) {
                return t;
            return this;
        Title.prototype.isIpUser = function() {
            return pg.re.ipUser.test(this.userName());
        Title.prototype.stripNamespace = function() {
            var n = this.value.indexOf(':');
            if (n < 0) {
                return this.value;
            var namespaceId = this.namespaceId();
            if (namespaceId === pg.nsMainspaceId) return this.value;
            return this.value.substring(n + 1);
        Title.prototype.setUtf = function(value) {
            if (!value) {
                this.value = '';
            var anch = value.indexOf('#');
            if (anch < 0) {
                this.value = value.split('_').join(' ');
                this.anchor = '';
            this.value = value.substring(0, anch).split('_').join(' ');
            this.anchor = value.substring(anch + 1);
            this.ns = null;
        Title.prototype.setUrl = function(urlfrag) {
            var anch = urlfrag.indexOf('#');
            this.value = safeDecodeURI(urlfrag.substring(0, anch));
            this.anchor = value.substring(anch + 1);
        Title.prototype.append = function(x) {
            this.setUtf(this.value + x);
        Title.prototype.urlString = function(x) {
            if (!x) {
                x = {};
            var v = this.toString(true);
            if (!x.omitAnchor && this.anchor) {
                v += '#' + this.urlAnchor();
            if (!x.keepSpaces) {
                v = v.split(' ').join('_');
            return encodeURI(v).split('&').join('%26').split('?').join('%3F').split('+').join('%2B');
        Title.prototype.removeAnchor = function() {
            return new Title(this.toString(true));
        Title.prototype.toUrl = function() {
            return pg.wiki.titlebase + this.urlString();

        function paramValue(param, url) {
            var s = url.parenSplit(RegExp('[?&]' + literalizeRegex(param) + '=([^?&]*)'));
            if (!url) {
                return null;
            return s[1] || null;

        function parseParams(url) {
            var specialDiff = pg.re.specialdiff.exec(url);
            if (specialDiff) {
                var split = specialDiff[1].split('/');
                if (split.length == 1) return {
                    oldid: split[0],
                    diff: 'prev'
                else if (split.length == 2) return {
                    oldid: split[0],
                    diff: split[1]
            var ret = {};
            if (url.indexOf('?') == -1) {
                return ret;
            url = url.split('#')[0];
            var s = url.split('?').slice(1).join();
            var t = s.split('&');
            for (var i = 0; i < t.length; ++i) {
                var z = t[i].split('=');
                ret[z[0]] = z[1];
            if (ret.diff && typeof(ret.oldid) === 'undefined') {
                ret.oldid = "prev";
            if (ret.oldid && (ret.oldid === 'prev' || ret.oldid === 'next' || ret.oldid === 'cur')) {
                var helper = ret.diff;
                ret.diff = ret.oldid;
                ret.oldid = helper;
            return ret;

        function oldidFromAnchor(a) {
            return paramValue('oldid', a.href);

        function wikiMarkupToAddressFragment(str) {
            var ret = safeDecodeURI(str);
            ret = ret.split(' ').join('_');
            ret = encodeURI(ret);
            return ret;

        function myDecodeURI(str) {
            var ret;
            try {
                ret = decodeURI(str.toString());
            } catch (summat) {
                return str;
            for (var i = 0; i < pg.misc.decodeExtras.length; ++i) {
                var from = pg.misc.decodeExtras[i].from;
                var to = pg.misc.decodeExtras[i].to;
                ret = ret.split(from).join(to);
            return ret;

        function safeDecodeURI(str) {
            var ret = myDecodeURI(str);
            return ret || str;

        function isIpUser(user) {
            return pg.re.ipUser.test(user);

        function isDisambig(data, article) {
            if (!getValueOf('popupAllDabsStubs') && article.namespace()) {
                return false;
            return !article.isTalkPage() && pg.re.disambig.test(data);

        function stubCount(data, article) {
            if (!getValueOf('popupAllDabsStubs') && article.namespace()) {
                return false;
            var sectStub = 0;
            var realStub = 0;
            if (pg.re.stub.test(data)) {
                var s = data.parenSplit(pg.re.stub);
                for (var i = 1; i < s.length; i = i + 2) {
                    if (s[i]) {
                    } else {
            return {
                real: realStub,
                sect: sectStub

        function isValidImageName(str) {
            return (str.indexOf('{') == -1);

        function isInStrippableNamespace(article) {
            return (article.namespace() !== '');

        function isInMainNamespace(article) {
            return !isInStrippableNamespace(article);

        function anchorContainsImage(a) {
            if (a === null) {
                return false;
            kids = a.childNodes;
            for (var i = 0; i < kids.length; ++i) {
                if (kids[i].nodeName == 'IMG') {
                    return true;
            return false;

        function isPopupLink(a) {
            if (!markNopopupSpanLinks.done) {
            if (a.inNopopupSpan) {
                return false;
            if (a.onmousedown || a.getAttribute('nopopup')) {
                return false;
            var h = a.href;
            if (h === document.location.href + '#') {
                return false;
            if (!pg.re.basenames.test(h)) {
                return false;
            if (!pg.re.urlNoPopup.test(h)) {
                return true;
            return ((pg.re.email.test(h) || pg.re.contribs.test(h) || pg.re.backlinks.test(h) ||
                pg.re.specialdiff.test(h)) && h.indexOf('&limit=') == -1);

        function markNopopupSpanLinks() {
            if (!getValueOf('popupOnlyArticleLinks')) fixVectorMenuPopups();
            var s = $('.nopopups').toArray();
            for (var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
                var as = s[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
                for (var j = 0; j < as.length; ++j) {
                    as[j].inNopopupSpan = !0;
            markNopopupSpanLinks.done = !0;

        function fixVectorMenuPopups() {
            $('div.vectorMenu h3:first a:first').prop('inNopopupSpan', true);
        var Cookie = {
            create: function(name, value, days) {
                var expires;
                if (days) {
                    var date = new Date();
                    date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
                    expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
                } else {
                    expires = "";
                document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";
            read: function(name) {
                var nameEQ = name + "=";
                var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
                for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
                    var c = ca[i];
                    while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
                        c = c.substring(1, c.length);
                    if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) {
                        return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
                return null;
            erase: function(name) {
                Cookie.create(name, "", -1);

        function getWiki(
            article, onComplete, oldid, owner) {
            var url = pg.wiki.titlebase;
            if (article.namespaceId() >= 0) url += article.removeAnchor().urlString();
            if (oldid || oldid === 0 || oldid === '0') url += '&oldid=' + oldid;
            url += '&action=raw';
            getPageWithCaching(url, onComplete, owner);

        function getPageWithCaching(url, onComplete, owner) {
            log('getPageWithCaching, url=' + url);
            var i = findInPageCache(url);
            var d;
            if (i > -1) {
                d = fakeDownload(url, owner.idNumber, onComplete, pg.cache.pages[i].data, pg.cache.pages[i].lastModified, owner);
            } else {
                d = getPage(url, onComplete, owner);
                if (d && owner && owner.addDownload) {
                    d.owner = owner;

        function getPage(url, onComplete, owner) {
            var callback = function(d) {
                if (!d.aborted) {
            return startDownload(url, owner.idNumber, callback);

        function findInPageCache(url) {
            for (var i = 0; i < pg.cache.pages.length; ++i) {
                if (url == pg.cache.pages[i].url) {
                    return i;
            return -1;

        function addPageToCache(download) {
            log('addPageToCache ' + download.url);
            var page = {
                url: download.url,
                data: download.
                lastModified: download.lastModified
            return pg.cache.pages.push(page);
        var hexcase = 0;
        var b64pad = "";

        function hex_md5(s) {
            return rstr2hex(rstr_md5(str2rstr_utf8(s)));

        function b64_md5(s) {
            return rstr2b64(rstr_md5(str2rstr_utf8(s)));

        function any_md5(s, e) {
            return rstr2any(rstr_md5(str2rstr_utf8(s)), e);

        function hex_hmac_md5(k, d) {
            return rstr2hex(rstr_hmac_md5(str2rstr_utf8(k), str2rstr_utf8(d)));

        function b64_hmac_md5(k, d) {
            return rstr2b64(rstr_hmac_md5(str2rstr_utf8(k), str2rstr_utf8(d)));

        function any_hmac_md5(k, d, e) {
            return rstr2any(rstr_hmac_md5(str2rstr_utf8(k), str2rstr_utf8(d)), e);

        function md5_vm_test() {
            return hex_md5("abc") == "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72";

        function rstr_md5(s) {
            return binl2rstr(binl_md5(rstr2binl(s), s.length * 8));

        function rstr_hmac_md5(key, data) {
            var bkey = rstr2binl(key);
            if (bkey.length > 16) bkey = binl_md5(bkey, key.length * 8);
            var ipad = Array(16),
                opad = Array(16);
            for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                ipad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x36363636;
                opad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x5C5C5C5C;
            var hash = binl_md5(ipad.concat(
                rstr2binl(data)), 512 + data.length * 8);
            return binl2rstr(binl_md5(opad.concat(hash), 512 + 128));

        function rstr2hex(input) {
            var hex_tab = hexcase ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef";
            var output = "";
            var x;
            for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
                x = input.charCodeAt(i);
                output += hex_tab.charAt((x >>> 4) & 0x0F) + hex_tab.charAt(x & 0x0F);
            return output;

        function rstr2b64(input) {
            var tab = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
            var output = "";
            var len = input.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 3) {
                var triplet = (input.charCodeAt(i) << 16) | (i + 1 < len ? input.charCodeAt(i + 1) << 8 : 0) | (i + 2 < len ? input.charCodeAt(i + 2) : 0);
                for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                    if (i * 8 + j * 6 > input.length * 8) output += b64pad;
                    else output += tab.charAt((triplet >>> 6 * (3 - j)) & 0x3F);
            return output;

        function rstr2any(input, encoding) {
            var divisor = encoding.length;
            var remainders = Array();
            var i, q, x, quotient;
            var dividend = Array(input.length / 2);
            for (i = 0; i < dividend.length; i++) {
                dividend[i] = (input.charCodeAt(i * 2) << 8) | input.charCodeAt(i * 2 + 1);
            while (dividend.length > 0) {
                quotient = Array();
                x = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < dividend.length; i++) {
                    x = (x << 16) + dividend[i];
                    q = Math.floor(x / divisor);
                    x -= q * divisor;
                    if (quotient.length > 0 || q > 0) quotient[quotient.length] = q;
                remainders[remainders.length] = x;
                dividend = quotient;
            var output = "";
            for (i = remainders.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) output += encoding.charAt(remainders[i]);
            return output;

        function str2rstr_utf8(input) {
            var output = "";
            var i = -1;
            var x, y;
            while (++i < input.length) {
                x = input.charCodeAt(i);
                y = i + 1 < input.length ? input.charCodeAt(i + 1) : 0;
                if (0xD800 <= x && x <= 0xDBFF && 0xDC00 <= y && y <= 0xDFFF) {
                    x = 0x10000 + ((x & 0x03FF) << 10) + (y & 0x03FF);
                if (x <= 0x7F) output += String.fromCharCode(x);
                else if (x <= 0x7FF) output += String.fromCharCode(0xC0 | ((x >>> 6) & 0x1F), 0x80 | (x & 0x3F));
                else if (x <= 0xFFFF) output += String.fromCharCode(0xE0 | ((x >>> 12) & 0x0F), 0x80 | ((x >>> 6) & 0x3F), 0x80 | (x & 0x3F));
                else if (x <= 0x1FFFFF) output += String.fromCharCode(0xF0 | ((x >>> 18) & 0x07), 0x80 | ((x >>> 12) & 0x3F), 0x80 | ((x >>> 6) & 0x3F), 0x80 | (x & 0x3F));
            return output;

        function str2rstr_utf16le(input) {
            var output = "";
            for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) output += String.
            fromCharCode(input.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF, (input.charCodeAt(i) >>> 8) & 0xFF);
            return output;

        function str2rstr_utf16be(input) {
            var output = "";
            for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) output += String.fromCharCode((input.charCodeAt(i) >>> 8) & 0xFF, input.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF);
            return output;

        function rstr2binl(input) {
            var output = Array(input.length >> 2);
            for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++) output[i] = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < input.length * 8; i += 8) output[i >> 5] |= (input.charCodeAt(i / 8) & 0xFF) << (i % 32);
            return output;

        function binl2rstr(input) {
            var output = "";
            for (var i = 0; i < input.length * 32; i += 8) output += String.fromCharCode((input[i >> 5] >>> (i % 32)) & 0xFF);
            return output;

        function binl_md5(x, len) {
            x[len >> 5] |= 0x80 << ((len) % 32);
            x[(((len + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = len;
            var a = 1732584193;
            var b = -271733879;
            var c = -1732584194;
            var d = 271733878;
            for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i += 16) {
                var olda = a;
                var oldb = b;
                var oldc = c;
                var oldd = d;
                a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 0], 7, -680876936);
                d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 1], 12, -389564586);
                c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 2], 17, 606105819);
                b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 3], 22, -1044525330);
                a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 4], 7, -176418897);
                d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 5], 12, 1200080426);
                c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 6], 17, -1473231341);
                b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 7], 22, -45705983);
                a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 8], 7, 1770035416);
                d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 9], 12, -1958414417);
                c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 10], 17, -42063);
                b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 11], 22, -1990404162);
                a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 12], 7, 1804603682);
                d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 13], 12, -40341101);
                c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 14], 17, -1502002290);
                b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 15], 22, 1236535329);
                a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 1], 5, -165796510);
                d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 6], 9, -1069501632);
                c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 11], 14, 643717713);
                b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 0], 20, -373897302);
                a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 5], 5, -701558691);
                d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 10], 9, 38016083);
                c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 15], 14, -660478335);
                b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 4], 20, -405537848);
                a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 9], 5, 568446438);
                d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 14], 9, -1019803690);
                c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 3], 14, -187363961);
                b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 8], 20, 1163531501);
                a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 13], 5, -1444681467);
                d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 2], 9, -51403784);
                c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 7], 14, 1735328473);
                b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 12], 20, -1926607734);
                a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 5], 4, -378558);
                d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 8], 11, -2022574463);
                c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 11], 16, 1839030562);
                b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 14], 23, -35309556);
                a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 1], 4, -1530992060);
                d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 4], 11, 1272893353);
                c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 7], 16, -155497632);
                b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 10], 23, -1094730640);
                a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 13], 4, 681279174);
                d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 0], 11, -358537222);
                c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 3], 16, -722521979);
                b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 6], 23, 76029189);
                a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 9], 4, -640364487);
                d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 12], 11, -421815835);
                c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 15], 16, 530742520);
                b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 2], 23, -995338651);
                a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 0], 6, -198630844);
                d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 7], 10, 1126891415);
                c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 14], 15, -1416354905);
                b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 5], 21, -57434055);
                a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 12], 6, 1700485571);
                d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 3], 10, -1894986606);
                c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 10], 15, -1051523);
                b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 1], 21, -2054922799);
                a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 8], 6, 1873313359);
                d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 15], 10, -30611744);
                c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 6], 15, -1560198380);
                b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 13], 21, 1309151649);
                a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 4], 6, -145523070);
                d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 11], 10, -1120210379);
                c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 2], 15, 718787259);
                b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 9], 21, -343485551);
                a = safe_add(a, olda);
                b = safe_add(b, oldb);
                c = safe_add(c, oldc);
                d = safe_add(d, oldd);
            return Array(a, b, c, d);

        function md5_cmn(q, a, b, x, s, t) {
            return safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(a, q), safe_add(x, t)), s), b);

        function md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
            return md5_cmn((b & c) | ((~b) & d), a, b, x, s, t);

        function md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
            return md5_cmn((b & d) | (c & (~d)), a, b, x, s, t);

        function md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
            return md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t);

        function md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
            return md5_cmn(c ^ (b | (~d)), a, b, x, s, t);

        function safe_add(x, y) {
            var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF);
            var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16);
            return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF);

        function bit_rol(num, cnt) {
            return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt));
        if (String('abc'.split(/(b)/)) != 'a,b,c') {
            String.prototype.parenSplit = function(re) {
                re = nonGlobalRegex(re);
                var s = this;
                var m = re.exec(s);
                var ret = [];
                while (m && s) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < m.length; ++i) {
                        if (typeof m[i] == 'undefined') m[i] = '';
                    ret.push(s.substring(0, m.index));
                    ret = ret.concat(m.slice(1));
                    s = s.substring(m.index + m[0].length);
                    m = re.exec(s);
                return ret;
        } else {
            String.prototype.parenSplit = function(re) {
                return this.split(re);
            String.prototype.parenSplit.isNative = !0;

        function nonGlobalRegex(re) {
            var s = re.toString();
            flags = '';
            for (var j = s.length; s.charAt(j) != '/'; --j) {
                if (s.charAt(j) != 'g') {
                    flags += s.charAt(j);
            var t = s.substring(1, j);
            return RegExp(t, flags);

        function encode_utf8(rohtext) {
            rohtext = rohtext.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
            var utftext = "";
            for (var n = 0; n < rohtext.length; n++) {
                var c = rohtext.charCodeAt(n);
                if (c < 128) utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
                else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
                    utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
                    utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
                } else {
                    utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
                    utftext += String.
                    fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
                    utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
            return utftext;

        function getJsObj(json) {
            try {
                var json_ret = JSON.parse(json);
                if (json_ret.warnings) {
                    for (var w = 0; w < json_ret.warnings.length; w++) {
                } else if (json_ret.error) {
                    errlog(json_ret.error.code + ': ' + json_ret.error.info);
                return json_ret;
            } catch (someError) {
                errlog('Something went wrong with getJsObj, json=' + json);
                return 1;

        function anyChild(obj) {
            for (var p in obj) {
                return obj[p];
            return null;

        function decode_utf8(utftext) {
            var plaintext = "";
            var i = 0,
                c = 0,
                c1 = 0,
                c2 = 0;
            while (i < utftext.length) {
                c = utftext.charCodeAt(i);
                if (c < 128) {
                    plaintext += String.fromCharCode(c);
                } else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) {
                    c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
                    plaintext += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
                    i += 2;
                } else {
                    c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
                    c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2);
                    plaintext += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63));
                    i += 3;
            return plaintext;

        function upcaseFirst(str) {
            if (typeof str != typeof '' || str === '') return '';
            return str
                .charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);

        function findInArray(arr, foo) {
            if (!arr || !arr.length) {
                return -1;
            var len = arr.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
                if (arr[i] == foo) {
                    return i;
            return -1;

        function nextOne(array, value) {
            var i = findInArray(array, value);
            if (i < 0) {
                return null;
            return array[i + 1];

        function literalizeRegex(str) {
            return str.replace(RegExp('([-.|()\\\\+?*^${}\\[\\]])', 'g'), '\\$1');
        String.prototype.entify = function() {
            return this.split('&').join('&amp;').split('<').join('&lt;').split('>').join('&gt;').split('"').join('&quot;');

        function findThis(array, value) {
            if (typeof array.length == 'undefined') {
                return null;
            for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
                if (array[i] == value) {
                    return i;
            return null;

        function removeNulls(list) {
            var ret = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
                if (list[i]) {
            return ret;

        function joinPath(list) {
            return removeNulls(list).join('/');

        function simplePrintf(str, subs) {
            if (!str || !subs) {
                return str;
            var ret = [];
            var s = str.parenSplit(/(%s|\$[0-9]+)/);
            var i = 0;
            do {
                if (!s.length) {
                var cmd = s.shift();
                if (cmd == '%s') {
                    if (i < subs.length) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    var j = parseInt(cmd.replace('$', ''), 10) - 1;
                    if (j > -1 && j < subs.length) {
                    } else {
            } while (s.length > 0);
            return ret.join('');

        function max(a, b) {
            return a < b ? b : a;

        function min(a, b) {
            return a > b ? b : a;

        function isString(x) {
            return (typeof x === 'string' || x instanceof String);

        function isRegExp(x) {
            return x instanceof RegExp;

        function isArray(x) {
            return x instanceof Array;

        function isObject(x) {
            return x instanceof Object;

        function isFunction(x) {
            return !isRegExp(x) && ($.isFunction(x) || x instanceof Function);

        function repeatString(s, mult) {
            var ret = '';
            for (var i = 0; i < mult; ++i) {
                ret += s;
            return ret;

        function zeroFill(s, min) {
            min = min || 2;
            var t = s.toString();
            return repeatString('0', min - t.length) + t;

        function map(f, o) {
            if (isArray(o)) {
                return map_array(f, o);
            return map_object(f, o);

        function map_array(f, o) {
            var ret = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < o.length; ++i) {
            return ret;

        map_object(f, o) {
            var ret = {};
            for (var i in o) {
                ret[o] = f(o[i]);
            return ret;
        pg.escapeQuotesHTML = function(text) {
            return text.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
        pg.jsescape = function(s) {
            if (typeof s !== "string") throw "Invalid type in pg.jsescape";
            var res = "";
            for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
                var c = s[i];
                switch (c) {
                    case '\b':
                        res += '\\b';
                    case '\f':
                        res += '\\f';
                    case '\n':
                        res += '\\n';
                    case '\0':
                        res += '\\0';
                    case '\r':
                        res += '\\r';
                    case '\t':
                        res += '\\t';
                    case '\v':
                        res += '\\v';
                    case '\\':
                        res += '\\\\';
                    case '\"':
                        res += '\\\"';
                    case '\'':
                        res += '\\\'';
                        if (c < ' ' || c === '<' || c === '>' || c === "'") {
                            var unicodeChar = c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
                            res += "\\u" + (unicodeChar.length > 1 ? "00" : "000") + unicodeChar;
                        } else {
                            res += c;
            return res;

        function retargetDab(newTarget, oldTarget, friendlyCurrentArticleName, titleToEdit) {
            log('retargetDab: newTarget=' + newTarget + ' oldTarget=' + oldTarget);
            return changeLinkTargetLink({
                newTarget: newTarget,
                text: newTarget.split(' ').join('&nbsp;'),
                hint: tprintf('disambigHint', [newTarget]),
                summary: simplePrintf(getValueOf('popupFixDabsSummary'), [friendlyCurrentArticleName, newTarget]),
                clickButton: getValueOf('popupDabsAutoClick'),
                minor: !0,
                oldTarget: oldTarget,
                watch: getValueOf('popupWatchDisambiggedPages'),
                title: titleToEdit

        function listLinks(wikitext, oldTarget, titleToEdit) {
            var reg = RegExp('\\[\\[([^|]*?) *(\\||\\]\\])', 'gi');
            var ret = [];
            var splitted = wikitext.parenSplit(reg);
            var omitRegex = RegExp('^[a-z]*:|^[Ss]pecial:|^[Ii]mage|^[Cc]ategory');
            var friendlyCurrentArticleName = oldTarget.toString();
            var wikPos = getValueOf('popupDabWiktionary');
            for (var i = 1; i < splitted.length; i = i + 3) {
                if (typeof splitted[i] == typeof 'string' && splitted[i].length > 0 && !omitRegex.test(splitted[i])) {
                    ret.push(retargetDab(splitted[i], oldTarget, friendlyCurrentArticleName, titleToEdit));
            ret = rmDupesFromSortedList(ret.sort());
            if (wikPos) {
                var wikTarget = 'wiktionary:' + friendlyCurrentArticleName.replace(RegExp(
                    '^(.+)\\s+[(][^)]+[)]\\s*$'), '$1');
                var meth;
                if (wikPos.toLowerCase() == 'first') {
                    meth = 'unshift';
                } else {
                    meth = 'push';
                ret[meth](retargetDab(wikTarget, oldTarget, friendlyCurrentArticleName, titleToEdit));
                newTarget: null,
                text: popupString('remove this link').split(' ').join('&nbsp;'),
                hint: popupString("remove all links to this disambig page from this article"),
                clickButton: "wpDiff",
                oldTarget: oldTarget,
                summary: simplePrintf(getValueOf('popupRmDabLinkSummary'), [friendlyCurrentArticleName]),
                watch: getValueOf('popupWatchDisambiggedPages'),
                title: titleToEdit
            return ret;

        function rmDupesFromSortedList(list) {
            var ret = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
                if (ret.length === 0 || list[i] != ret[ret.length - 1]) {
            return ret;

        function makeFixDab(data, navpop) {
            var titleToEdit = (navpop.parentPopup && navpop.parentPopup.article.toString());
            var list = listLinks(data, navpop.originalArticle, titleToEdit);
            if (list.length === 0) {
                log('listLinks returned empty list');
                return null;
            var html =
                '<hr />' + popupString('Click to disambiguate this link to:') + '<br>';
            html += list.join(', ');
            return html;

        function makeFixDabs(wikiText, navpop) {
            if (getValueOf('popupFixDabs') && isDisambig(wikiText, navpop.article) && Title.fromURL(location.href).namespaceId() != pg.nsSpecialId && navpop.article.talkPage()) {
                setPopupHTML(makeFixDab(wikiText, navpop), 'popupFixDab', navpop.idNumber);

        function popupRedlinkHTML(article) {
            return changeLinkTargetLink({
                newTarget: null,
                text: popupString('remove this link').split(' ').join('&nbsp;'),
                hint: popupString("remove all links to this page from this article"),
                clickButton: "wpDiff",
                oldTarget: article.toString(),
                summary: simplePrintf(getValueOf('popupRedlinkSummary'), [article.toString()])

        function appendPopupContent(obj, elementId, popupId, onSuccess) {
            return setPopupHTML(obj, elementId, popupId, onSuccess, true);

        function setPopupHTML(str, elementId, popupId, onSuccess, append) {
            if (elementId == 'popupPreview') {}
            if (typeof popupId === 'undefined') {
                popupId = pg.idNumber;
            var popupElement =
                document.getElementById(elementId + popupId);
            if (popupElement) {
                if (!append) {
                    popupElement.innerHTML = '';
                if (isString(str)) {
                    popupElement.innerHTML += str;
                } else {
                if (onSuccess) {
                setTimeout(checkPopupPosition, 100);
                return true;
            } else {
                setTimeout(function() {
                    setPopupHTML(str, elementId, popupId, onSuccess);
                }, 600);
            return null;

        function setPopupTrailer(str, id) {
            return setPopupHTML(str, 'popupData', id);

        function fillEmptySpans(args) {
            return fillEmptySpans2(args);

        function fillEmptySpans2(args) {
            var redir = !0;
            if (typeof args != 'object' || typeof args.redir == 'undefined' || !args.redir) {
                redir = !1;
            var a = args.navpopup.parentAnchor;
            var article, hint = null,
                oldid = null,
                params = {};
            if (redir && typeof args.redirTarget == typeof {}) {
                article = args.redirTarget;
            } else {
                article = (new Title()).fromAnchor(a);
                hint = a.originalTitle || article.hintValue();
                params = parseParams(a.href);
                oldid = (getValueOf('popupHistoricalLinks')) ? params.oldid : null;
                rcid = params.rcid;
            var x = {
                article: article,
                hint: hint,
                oldid: oldid,
                rcid: rcid,
                navpop: args.navpopup,
                params: params
            var structure = pg.structures[getValueOf('popupStructure')];
            if (typeof structure != 'object') {
                setPopupHTML('popupError', 'Unknown structure (this should never happen): ' + pg.option.popupStructure, args.navpopup.idNumber);
            var spans = flatten(pg.misc.layout);
            var numspans = spans.length;
            var redirs = pg.misc.redirSpans;
            for (var i = 0; i < numspans; ++i) {
                var f = findThis(redirs, spans[i]);
                if ((f && !redir) || (!f && redir)) {
                var structurefn = structure[spans[i]];
                var setfn = setPopupHTML;
                if (getValueOf('popupActiveNavlinks') && (spans[i].indexOf('popupTopLinks') === 0 || spans[i].indexOf('popupRedirTopLinks') === 0)) {
                    setfn = setPopupTipsAndHTML;
                switch (typeof structurefn) {
                    case 'function':
                        log('running ' + spans[i] + '({article:' + x.article + ', hint:' + x.hint + ', oldid: ' + x.oldid + '})');
                        setfn(structurefn(x), spans[i], args.navpopup.idNumber);
                    case 'string':
                        setfn(structurefn, spans[i], args.navpopup.idNumber);
                        errlog('unknown thing with label ' + spans[i] + ' (span index was ' + i + ')');

        function flatten(list, start) {
            var ret = [];
            if (typeof start == 'undefined') {
                start = 0;
            for (var i = start; i < list.length; ++i) {
                if (typeof list[i] == typeof []) {
                    return ret.concat(flatten(list[i])).concat(flatten(list, i + 1));
                } else {
            return ret;

        function popupHTML(a) {
            var structure = pg.structures[pg.option.popupStructure];
            if (typeof structure != 'object') {
                pg.option.popupStructure = pg.optionDefault.popupStructure;
                return popupHTML(a);
            if (typeof structure.popupLayout != 'function') {
                return 'Bad layout';
            pg.misc.layout = structure.popupLayout();
            if ($.isFunction(structure.popupRedirSpans)) {
                pg.misc.redirSpans = structure.popupRedirSpans();
            } else {
                pg.misc.redirSpans = [];
            return makeEmptySpans(pg.misc.layout, a.navpopup);

        function makeEmptySpans(list, navpop) {
            var ret = '';
            for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
                if (typeof list[i] == typeof '') {
                    ret += emptySpanHTML(list[i], navpop.idNumber, 'div');
                } else if (typeof list[i] == typeof [] && list[i].length > 0) {
                    ret = ret.parenSplit(RegExp('(</[^>]*?>$)')).join(makeEmptySpans(list[i], navpop));
                } else if (typeof list[i] == typeof {} && list[i].nodeType) {
                    ret += emptySpanHTML(list[i].name, navpop.idNumber, list[i].nodeType);
            return ret;

        function emptySpanHTML(name, id, tag, classname) {
            tag = tag || 'span';
            if (!classname) {
                classname = emptySpanHTML.classAliases[name];
            classname = classname || name;
            if (name == getValueOf('popupDragHandle')) {
                classname += ' popupDragHandle';
            return simplePrintf('<%s id="%s" class="%s"></%s>', [tag, name + id, classname, tag]);
        emptySpanHTML.classAliases = {
            'popupSecondPreview': 'popupPreview'

        function imageHTML(article, idNumber) {
            return simplePrintf('<a id="popupImageLink$1">' + '<img align="right" valign="top" id="popupImg$1" style="display: none;"></img>' + '</a>', [idNumber]);

        function popTipsSoonFn(id, when, popData) {
            if (!when) {
                when = 250;
            var popTips = function() {
                setupTooltips(document.getElementById(id), false, true, popData);
            return function() {
                setTimeout(popTips, when, popData);

        function setPopupTipsAndHTML(html, divname, idnumber, popData) {
                divname, idnumber, getValueOf('popupSubpopups') ? popTipsSoonFn(divname + idnumber, null, popData) : null);

        function fuzzyCursorOffMenus(x, y, fuzz, parent) {
            if (!parent) {
                return null;
            var uls = parent.getElementsByTagName('ul');
            for (var i = 0; i < uls.length; ++i) {
                if (uls[i].className == 'popup_menu') {
                    if (uls[i].offsetWidth > 0) return false;
            return true;

        function checkPopupPosition() {
            if (pg.current.link && pg.current.link.navpopup) pg.current.link.navpopup.limitHorizontalPosition();

        function mouseOutWikiLink() {
            var a = this;
            if (a.navpopup === null || typeof a.navpopup === 'undefined') return;
            if (!a.navpopup.isVisible()) {

        function posCheckerHook(navpop) {
            return function() {
                if (!navpop.isVisible()) {
                    return true;
                if (Navpopup.tracker.dirty) {
                    return false;
                var x = Navpopup.tracker.x,
                    y = Navpopup.tracker.y;
                var mouseOverNavpop = navpop.isWithin(x, y, navpop.fuzz, navpop.mainDiv) || !fuzzyCursorOffMenus(x, y, navpop.fuzz, navpop.mainDiv);
                var t = getValueOf(
                if (t) {
                    t = t * 1000;
                if (!t) {
                    if (!mouseOverNavpop) {
                        if (navpop.parentAnchor) {
                        return true;
                    return false;
                var d = +(new Date());
                if (!navpop.mouseLeavingTime) {
                    navpop.mouseLeavingTime = d;
                    return false;
                if (mouseOverNavpop) {
                    navpop.mouseLeavingTime = null;
                    return false;
                if (d - navpop.mouseLeavingTime > t) {
                    navpop.mouseLeavingTime = null;
                    return true;
                return false;

        function runStopPopupTimer(navpop) {
            if (!navpop.stopPopupTimer) {
                navpop.stopPopupTimer = setInterval(posCheckerHook(navpop), 500);
                navpop.addHook(function() {
                }, 'hide', 'before');

        function Previewmaker(wikiText, baseUrl, owner) {
            this.originalData = wikiText;
            this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
            this.owner = owner;
            this.maxCharacters = getValueOf('popupMaxPreviewCharacters');
            this.maxSentences = getValueOf('popupMaxPreviewSentences');
        Previewmaker.prototype.setData = function() {
            var maxSize = max(10000, 2 * this.maxCharacters);
            this.data = this.originalData.substring(0,
        Previewmaker.prototype.killComments = function() {
            this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^<!--[^$]*?-->\\n|\\n<!--[^$]*?-->(?=\\n)|<!--[^$]*?-->', 'g'), '');
        Previewmaker.prototype.killDivs = function() {
            this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('< *div[^>]* *>[\\s\\S]*?< */ *div *>', 'gi'), '');
        Previewmaker.prototype.killGalleries = function() {
            this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('< *gallery[^>]* *>[\\s\\S]*?< */ *gallery *>', 'gi'), '');
        Previewmaker.prototype.kill = function(opening, closing, subopening, subclosing, repl) {
            var oldk = this.data;
            var k = this.killStuff(this.data, opening, closing, subopening, subclosing, repl);
            while (k.length < oldk.length) {
                oldk = k;
                k = this.killStuff(k, opening, closing, subopening, subclosing, repl);
            this.data = k;
        Previewmaker.prototype.killStuff = function(txt, opening, closing, subopening, subclosing, repl) {
            var op = this.makeRegexp(opening);
            var cl = this.makeRegexp(closing, '^');
            var sb = subopening ? this.makeRegexp(subopening, '^') : null;
            var sc = subclosing ? this.makeRegexp(subclosing, '^') : cl;
            if (!op || !cl) {
                alert('Navigation Popups error: op or cl is null! something is wrong.');
            if (!op.test(txt)) {
                return txt;
            var ret = '';
            var opResult = op.exec(txt);
            ret = txt.substring(0, opResult.index);
            txt = txt.substring(opResult.index + opResult[0].length);
            var depth = 1;
            while (txt.length > 0) {
                var removal = 0;
                if (depth == 1 && cl.test(txt)) {
                    removal = cl.exec(txt)[0].length;
                } else if (depth > 1 && sc.test(txt)) {
                    removal = sc.exec(txt)[0].length;
                } else if (sb && sb.test(txt)) {
                    removal = sb.exec(txt)[0].length;
                if (!removal) {
                    removal = 1;
                txt = txt.substring(removal);
                if (depth === 0) {
            return ret + (repl || '') + txt;
        Previewmaker.prototype.makeRegexp = function(x, prefix, suffix) {
            prefix = prefix || '';
            suffix = suffix || '';
            var reStr = '';
            var flags = '';
            if (isString(x)) {
                reStr = prefix + literalizeRegex(x) + suffix;
            } else if (isRegExp(x)) {
                var s = x.toString().substring(1);
                var sp = s.split('/');
                flags = sp[sp.length - 1];
                sp[sp.length - 1] = '';
                s = sp.join('/');
                s = s.substring(0, s.length - 1);
                reStr = prefix + s + suffix;
            } else {
                log('makeRegexp failed');
                'makeRegexp: got reStr=' + reStr + ', flags=' + flags);
            return RegExp(reStr, flags);
        Previewmaker.prototype.killBoxTemplates = function() {
            this.kill(RegExp('[{][{][^{}\\s|]*?(float|box)[_ ](begin|start)', 'i'), /[}][}]\s*/, '{{');
            this.kill(RegExp('[{][{][^{}\\s|]*?(infobox|elementbox|frame)[_ ]', 'i'), /[}][}]\s*/, '{{');
        Previewmaker.prototype.killTemplates = function() {
            this.kill('{{', '}}', '{', '}', ' ');
        Previewmaker.prototype.killTables = function() {
            this.kill('{|', /[|]}\s*/, '{|');
            this.kill(/<table.*?>/i, /<\/table.*?>/i, /<table.*?>/i);
            this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^[|].*$', 'mg'), '');
        Previewmaker.prototype.killImages = function() {
            var forbiddenNamespaceAliases = [];
            jQuery.each(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds'), function(_localizedNamespaceLc, _namespaceId) {
                if (_namespaceId != pg.nsImageId && _namespaceId != pg.nsCategoryId) return;
                forbiddenNamespaceAliases.push(_localizedNamespaceLc.split(' ').join('[ _]'));
            this.kill(RegExp('[[][[]\\s*(' + forbiddenNamespaceAliases.join('|') + ')\\s*:', 'i'), /\]\]\s*/, '[', ']');
        Previewmaker.prototype.killHTML = function() {
            this.kill(/<ref\b[^/>]*?>/i, /<\/ref>/i);
            this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('(^|\\n) *<.*', 'g'), '\n');
            var splitted = this.data.parenSplit(/(<[\w\W]*?(?:>|$|(?=<)))/);
            var len = splitted.length;
            for (var i = 1; i < len; i = i + 2) {
                switch (splitted[i]) {
                    case '<nowiki>':
                    case '</nowiki>':
                    case '<blockquote>':
                    case '</blockquote>':
                        splitted[i] = '';
            this.data = splitted.join('');
        Previewmaker.prototype.killChunks = function() {
            var italicChunkRegex = new RegExp("((^|\\n)\\s*:*\\s*''[^']([^']|'''|'[^']){20}(.|\\n[^\\n])*''[.!?\\s]*\\n)+", 'g');
            this.data = this.data.replace(italicChunkRegex, '\n');
        Previewmaker.prototype.mopup = function() {
            this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^-{4,}', 'mg'), '');
            this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('(^|\\n) *:[^\\n]*', 'g'), '');
            this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^__[A-Z_]*__ *$', 'gmi'), '');
        Previewmaker.prototype.firstBit = function() {
            var d = this.data;
            if (getValueOf('popupPreviewCutHeadings')) {
                this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp(
                    '\\s*(==+[^=]*==+)\\s*', 'g'), '\n\n$1 ');
                this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('([:;]) *\\n{2,}', 'g'), '$1\n');
                this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^[\\s\\n]*'), '');
                stuff = (RegExp('^([^\\n]|\\n[^\\n\\s])*')).exec(this.data);
                if (stuff) {
                    d = stuff[0];
                if (!getValueOf('popupPreviewFirstParOnly')) {
                    d = this.data;
                d = d.replace(RegExp('(==+[^=]*==+)\\s*', 'g'), '$1\n\n');
            d = d.parenSplit(RegExp('([!?.]+["' + "'" + ']*\\s)', 'g'));
            d[0] = d[0].replace(RegExp('^\\s*'), '');
            var notSentenceEnds = RegExp('([^.][a-z][.] *[a-z]|etc|sic|Dr|Mr|Mrs|Ms|St|no|op|cit|\\[[^\\]]*|\\s[A-Zvclm])$', 'i');
            d = this.fixSentenceEnds(d, notSentenceEnds);
            this.fullLength = d.join('').length;
            var maxChars = getValueOf('popupMaxPreviewCharacters') + this.extraCharacters;
            var n = this.maxSentences;
            var dd = this.firstSentences(d, n);
            do {
                dd = this.firstSentences(d, n);
            } while (dd.length > this.maxCharacters && n !== 0);
            this.data = dd;
        Previewmaker.prototype.fixSentenceEnds = function(strs, reg) {
            var abbrevRe = /\b[a-z][^a-z]*$/i;
            for (var i = 0; i < strs.length - 2; ++i) {
                if (reg.test(strs[i])) {
                    var a = [];
                    for (var j = 0; j < strs.length; ++j) {
                        if (j < i) a[j] = strs[j];
                        if (j == i) a[i] = strs[i] + strs[i + 1] + strs[i + 2];
                        if (j > i + 2) a[j - 2] = strs[j];
                    return this.fixSentenceEnds(a, reg);
                if (false && abbrevRe.test(strs[i])) {
                    var prevI = i,
                        buf = '';
                    do {
                        buf = buf + strs[i] + strs[i + 1];
                        i = i + 2;
                    } while (i < strs.length - 2 && abbrevRe.test(strs[i]));
                    strs[i] = buf + strs[i];
                    return this.fixSentenceEnds((prevI ? strs.slice(0, prevI - 1) : []).concat(strs.slice(i)), reg);
            return strs;
        Previewmaker.prototype.firstSentences = function(strs, howmany) {
            var t = strs.slice(0, 2 * howmany);
            return t.join('');
        Previewmaker.prototype.killBadWhitespace = function() {
            this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^ *\'+ *$', 'gm'), '');
        Previewmaker.prototype.makePreview = function() {
            if (this.owner.article.namespaceId() != pg.nsTemplateId && this.owner.article.namespaceId() != pg.nsImageId) {
                if (getValueOf('popupPreviewKillTemplates')) {
                } else {
            } else {
            this.html = wiki2html(this.data, this.baseUrl);
        Previewmaker.prototype.esWiki2HtmlPart = function(data) {
            var reLinks = /(?:\[\[([^|\]]*)(?:\|([^|\]]*))*]]([a-z]*))/gi;
            reLinks.lastIndex = 0;
            var match;
            var result = "";
            var postfixIndex = 0;
            while ((match = reLinks.exec(data))) {
                result += pg.escapeQuotesHTML(data.substring(postfixIndex, match.index)) + '<a href="' + Insta.conf.paths.articles + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(match[1]) + '">' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML((match[2] ? match[2] : match[1]) + match[3]) + "</a>";
                postfixIndex = reLinks.lastIndex;
            result += pg.escapeQuotesHTML(data.substring(postfixIndex));
            return result;
        Previewmaker.prototype.editSummaryPreview = function() {
            var reAes = /\/\* *(.*?) *\*\//g;
            reAes.lastIndex = 0;
            var match;
            match = reAes.exec(this.data);
            if (match) {
                var prefix = this.data.substring(0, match.index - 1);
                var section = match[1];
                var postfix = this.data.substring(reAes.lastIndex);
                var start = "<span class='autocomment'>";
                var end = "</span>";
                if (prefix.length > 0) start = this.esWiki2HtmlPart(prefix) + " " + start + "- ";
                if (postfix.length > 0) end = ": " + end + this.esWiki2HtmlPart(postfix);
                var t = new Title().fromURL(this.baseUrl);
                var sectionLink = Insta.conf.paths.articles + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(t.toString(true)) + '#' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(t.anchor);
                return start + '<a href="' + sectionLink + '">&rarr;</a> ' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(section) + end;
            return this.esWiki2HtmlPart(this.data);

        function previewSteps(txt) {
            try {
                txt = txt || document.editform.wpTextbox1.value;
            } catch (err) {
                if (pg.cache.pages.length > 0) {
                    txt = pg.cache.pages[pg.cache.pages.length - 1].data;
                } else {
                    alert('provide text or use an edit page');
            txt = txt.substring(0, 10000);
            var base = pg.wiki.articlebase + Title.fromURL(document.location.href).urlString();
            var p = new Previewmaker(txt, base, pg.current.link.navpopup);
            if (this.owner.article.namespaceId() != pg.nsTemplateId) {
                if (!confirm(
                        'done killComments(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                if (!confirm('done killDivs(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                if (!confirm('done killGalleries(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                if (!confirm('done killBoxTemplates(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                if (getValueOf('popupPreviewKillTemplates')) {
                    if (!confirm('done killTemplates(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                } else {
                    if (!confirm('done killMultilineTemplates(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                if (!confirm('done killTables(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                if (!confirm('done killImages(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                if (!confirm('done killHTML(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                if (!confirm('done killChunks(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                if (!confirm('done mopup(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                if (!confirm(
                        'done firstBit(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
                if (!confirm('done killBadWhitespace(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
            p.html = wiki2html(p.data, base);
            if (!confirm('done fixHTML(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.html)) {
            if (!confirm('done stripLongTemplates(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.html)) {
            alert('finished preview - end result follows.\n---\n' + p.html);
        Previewmaker.prototype.fixHTML = function() {
            if (!this.html) return;
            var ret = this.html;
            ret = ret.replace(RegExp('\(<a href="' + pg.wiki.articlePath + '/[^"]*\)[?]\(.*?"\)', 'g'), '$1%3F$2');
            ret = ret.replace(RegExp('\(<a href=\'' + pg.wiki.articlePath + '/[^\']*\)[?]\(.*?\'\)', 'g'), '$1%3F$2');
            this.html = ret;
        Previewmaker.prototype.showPreview = function() {
            if (typeof this.html != typeof '') return;
            if (RegExp('^\\s*$').test(this.html)) return;
            setPopupHTML('<hr />', 'popupPrePreviewSep', this.owner.idNumber);
            setPopupTipsAndHTML(this.html, 'popupPreview', this.owner.idNumber, {
                owner: this.owner
            var more = (this.fullLength > this.data.length) ? this.moreLink() : '';
            setPopupHTML(more, 'popupPreviewMore', this.owner.idNumber);
        Previewmaker.prototype.moreLink = function() {
            var a = document.createElement('a');
            a.className = 'popupMoreLink';
            a.innerHTML = popupString('more...');
            var savedThis = this;
            a.onclick = function() {
                savedThis.maxCharacters += 2000;
                savedThis.maxSentences += 20;
            return a;
        Previewmaker.prototype.stripLongTemplates = function() {
            this.html = this.html.replace(RegExp('^.{0,1000}[{][{][^}]*?(<(p|br)( /)?>\\s*){2,}([^{}]*?[}][}])?', 'gi'), '');
            this.html = this.html.split('\n').join(' ');
            this.html = this.html.replace(RegExp('[{][{][^}]*<pre>[^}]*[}][}]', 'gi'), '');
        Previewmaker.prototype.killMultilineTemplates = function() {
            this.kill('{{{', '}}}');
            this.kill(RegExp('\\s*[{][{][^{}]*\\n'), '}}', '{{');

        function loadAPIPreview(queryType, article, navpop) {
            var art = new Title(article).urlString();
            var url = pg.wiki.apiwikibase + '?format=json&action=query&';
            var htmlGenerator =
                function(a, d) {
                    alert('invalid html generator');
            var usernameart = '';
            switch (queryType) {
                case 'history':
                    url += 'meta=userinfo&uiprop=options&titles=' + art + '&prop=revisions&rvlimit=' + getValueOf('popupHistoryPreviewLimit');
                    htmlGenerator = APIhistoryPreviewHTML;
                case 'category':
                    url += 'list=categorymembers&rawcontinue=&cmtitle=' + art;
                    htmlGenerator = APIcategoryPreviewHTML;
                case 'userinfo':
                    var username = new Title(article).userName();
                    usernameart = encodeURIComponent(username);
                    if (pg.re.ipUser.test(username)) {
                        url += 'list=blocks&bkprop=range&bkip=' + usernameart;
                    } else {
                        url += 'list=users|usercontribs&usprop=blockinfo|groups|editcount|registration|gender&ususers=' + usernameart + "&meta=globaluserinfo&guiprop=groups|unattached&guiuser=" + usernameart + "&uclimit=1&ucprop=timestamp&ucuser=" + usernameart;
                    htmlGenerator = APIuserInfoPreviewHTML;
                case 'contribs':
                    usernameart = encodeURIComponent(new Title(article).userName());
                    url += 'list=usercontribs&meta=userinfo&uiprop=options&ucuser=' + usernameart + '&uclimit=' + getValueOf(
                    htmlGenerator = APIcontribsPreviewHTML;
                case 'imagepagepreview':
                    var trail = '';
                    if (getValueOf('popupImageLinks')) {
                        trail = '&list=imageusage&iutitle=' + art;
                    url += 'titles=' + art + '&prop=revisions|imageinfo&rvprop=content' + trail;
                    htmlGenerator = APIimagepagePreviewHTML;
                case 'backlinks':
                    url += 'list=backlinks&rawcontinue=&bltitle=' + art;
                    htmlGenerator = APIbacklinksPreviewHTML;
            if (!mw.config.get('wgEnableAPI')) {
                htmlGenerator = function(a, d) {
                    return 'This function of navigation popups now requires a MediaWiki ' + 'installation with the <a href="http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API">API</a> enabled.';
            var callback = function(d) {
                log("callback of API functions was hit");
                showAPIPreview(queryType, htmlGenerator(article, d, navpop), navpop.idNumber, navpop, d);
            if (pg.flag.isIE) {
                url = url + '&*';
            var go = function() {
                getPageWithCaching(url, callback, navpop);
                return true;
            if (navpop.visible || !getValueOf('popupLazyDownloads')) {
            } else {
                navpop.addHook(go, 'unhide',
                    'before', 'DOWNLOAD_' + queryType + '_QUERY_DATA');

        function linkList(list) {
            list.sort(function(x, y) {
                return (x == y ? 0 : (x < y ? -1 : 1));
            var buf = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
                    article: new Title(list[i]),
                    text: list[i].split(' ').join('&nbsp;'),
                    action: 'view'
            return buf.join(', ');

        function getTimeOffset(tz) {
            if (tz) {
                if (tz.indexOf('|') > -1) {
                    return parseInt(tz.split('|')[1], 10);
                } else if (tz.indexOf(':') > -1) {
                    return (parseInt(tz, 10) * 60 + parseInt(tz.split(':')[1], 10));
            return 0;

        function editPreviewTable(article, h, reallyContribs, timeOffset) {
            var html = ['<table>'];
            var day = null;
            var curart = article;
            var page = null;
            var makeFirstColumnLinks;
            if (reallyContribs) {
                makeFirstColumnLinks = function(currentRevision) {
                    var result = '(';
                    result += '<a href="' + pg.wiki.titlebase + new Title(currentRevision.title).urlString() + '&diff=prev' + '&oldid=' + currentRevision.revid + '">' + popupString('diff') + '</a>';
                    result += '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                    result += '<a href="' + pg.wiki.titlebase + new Title(currentRevision.title).urlString() +
                        '&action=history">' + popupString('hist') + '</a>';
                    result += ')';
                    return result;
            } else {
                var firstRevid = h[0].revid;
                makeFirstColumnLinks = function(currentRevision) {
                    var result = '(';
                    result += '<a href="' + pg.wiki.titlebase + new Title(curart).urlString() + '&diff=' + firstRevid + '&oldid=' + h[i].revid + '">' + popupString('cur') + '</a>';
                    result += '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                    result += '<a href="' + pg.wiki.titlebase + new Title(curart).urlString() + '&diff=prev&oldid=' + h[i].revid + '">' + popupString('last') + '</a>';
                    result += ')';
                    return result;
            for (var i = 0; i < h.length; ++i) {
                if (reallyContribs) {
                    page = h[i].title;
                    curart = new Title(page);
                var minor = (typeof h[i].minor == 'undefined') ? '' : '<b>m </b>';
                var editDate = adjustDate(getDateFromTimestamp(h[i].timestamp), timeOffset);
                var thisDay = dayFormat(editDate);
                var thisTime = timeFormat(editDate);
                if (thisDay == day) {
                    thisDay = '';
                } else {
                    day = thisDay;
                if (thisDay) {
                    html.push('<tr><td colspan=3><span class="popup_history_date">' + thisDay + '</span></td></tr>');
                html.push('<tr class="popup_history_row_' + ((i % 2) ? 'odd' : 'even') + '">');
                html.push('<td>' + makeFirstColumnLinks(h[i]) + '</td>');
                html.push('<td>' + '<a href="' + pg.wiki.titlebase + new Title(curart).urlString() + '&oldid=' + h[i].revid + '">' + thisTime + '</a></td>');
                var col3url = '',
                    col3txt = '';
                if (!reallyContribs) {
                    var user = h[i].user;
                    if (typeof h[i].userhidden == "undefined") {
                        if (pg.re.ipUser.test(user)) {
                            col3url = pg.wiki.titlebase + mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsSpecialId] + ':Contributions&target=' + new Title(user).urlString();
                        } else {
                            col3url = pg.wiki.titlebase + mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId] + ':' + new Title(user).urlString();
                        col3txt = pg.escapeQuotesHTML(user);
                    } else {
                        col3url = getValueOf('popupRevDelUrl');
                        col3txt = pg.escapeQuotesHTML(popupString('revdel'));
                } else {
                    col3url = pg.wiki.titlebase + curart.urlString();
                    col3txt = pg.escapeQuotesHTML(page);
                html.push('<td>' + (reallyContribs ? minor : '') + '<a href="' + col3url + '">' + col3txt + '</a></td>');
                var comment = '';
                var c = h[i].comment || h[i]['*'];
                if (c) {
                    comment = new Previewmaker(c, new Title(curart).toUrl()).editSummaryPreview();
                } else if (typeof h[i].commenthidden != "undefined") {
                    comment = popupString('revdel');
                html.push('<td>' + (!reallyContribs ? minor : '') + comment + '</td>');
                html = [html.join('')];
            return html.join('');

        function getDateFromTimestamp(t) {
            var s = t.split(/[^0-9]/);
            switch (s.length) {
                case 0:
                    return null;
                case 1:
                    return new Date(s[0]);
                case 2:
                    return new Date(s[0], s[1] - 1);
                case 3:
                    return new Date(s[0], s[1] - 1, s[2]);
                case 4:
                    return new Date(s[0], s[1] - 1, s[2], s[3]);
                case 5:
                    return new Date(s[0], s[1] - 1, s[2], s[3], s[4]);
                case 6:
                    return new Date(s[0], s[1] - 1, s[2], s[3], s[4], s[5]);
                    return new Date(s[0], s[1] - 1, s[2], s[3], s[4], s[5], s[6]);

        function adjustDate(d, offset) {
            var o = offset * 60 * 1000;
            return new Date(+d + o);

        function dayFormat(editDate, utc) {
            if (utc) {
                return map(zeroFill, [editDate.getUTCFullYear(), editDate.getUTCMonth() + 1, editDate.getUTCDate()]).join('-');
            return map(zeroFill, [editDate.getFullYear(), editDate.getMonth() + 1, editDate.getDate()]).join('-');

        function timeFormat(editDate, utc) {
            if (utc) {
                return map(zeroFill, [editDate.getUTCHours(), editDate.getUTCMinutes(), editDate.getUTCSeconds()]).join(':');
            return map(zeroFill, [editDate.getHours(), editDate.getMinutes(), editDate.getSeconds()]).join(':');

        function showAPIPreview(queryType, html, id, navpop, download) {
            var target = 'popupPreview';
            switch (queryType) {
                case 'imagelinks':
                case 'category':
                case 'userinfo':
                    target = 'popupPostPreview';
            setPopupTipsAndHTML(html, target, id);

        function APIbacklinksPreviewHTML(article, download, navpop) {
            try {
                var jsObj = getJsObj(download.data);
                var list = jsObj.query.backlinks;
                var html = [];
                if (!list) {
                    return popupString('No backlinks found');
                for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                    var t = new Title(list[i].title);
                    html.push('<a href="' + pg.wiki.titlebase + t.urlString() + '">' + t + '</a>');
                html = html.join(', ');
                if (jsObj['query-continue'] && jsObj['query-continue'].backlinks && jsObj['query-continue'].backlinks.blcontinue) {
                    html += popupString(' and more');
                return html;
            } catch (someError) {
                return 'backlinksPreviewHTML went wonky';
        pg.fn.APIsharedImagePagePreviewHTML = function APIsharedImagePagePreviewHTML(obj) {
            var popupid = obj.requestid;
            if (obj.query && obj.query.pages) {
                var page = anyChild(obj.query.pages);
                var content = (page && page.revisions) ? page.revisions[0]['*'] : null;
                if (content) {
                    var p = new Previewmaker(content, pg.current.link.navpopup.article, pg.current.link.navpopup);
                    setPopupHTML(p.html, "popupSecondPreview", popupid);

        function APIimagepagePreviewHTML(article, download, navpop) {
            try {
                var jsObj = getJsObj(download.data);
                var page = anyChild(jsObj.query.pages);
                var content = (page && page.revisions) ? page.revisions[0]['*'] : null;
                var ret = '';
                var alt = '';
                try {
                    alt = navpop.parentAnchor.childNodes[0].alt;
                } catch (e) {}
                if (alt) {
                    ret = ret + '<hr /><b>' + popupString('Alt text:') + '</b> ' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(alt);
                if (content) {
                    var p = prepPreviewmaker(content, article, navpop);
                    if (p.html) {
                        ret += '<hr />' + p.html;
                    if (getValueOf('popupSummaryData')) {
                        var info = getPageInfo(content, download);
                        setPopupTrailer(info, navpop.idNumber);
                if (page && page.imagerepository == "shared") {
                    var art = new Title(article);
                    var encart = encodeURIComponent("File:" + art.stripNamespace());
                    var shared_url = pg.wiki.apicommonsbase + '?format=json&callback=pg.fn.APIsharedImagePagePreviewHTML' + '&requestid=' + navpop.idNumber + '&action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&titles=' + encart;
                    if (pg.flag.isIE) {
                        shared_url = shared_url + '&*';
                    ret = ret + '<hr />' + popupString('Image from Commons') + ': <a href="' + pg.wiki.commonsbase + '?title=' + encart + '">' + popupString('Description page') + '</a>';
                showAPIPreview('imagelinks', APIimagelinksPreviewHTML(article, download), navpop.idNumber, download);
                return ret;
            } catch (someError) {
                return 'API imagepage preview failed :(';

        function APIimagelinksPreviewHTML(article, download) {
            try {
                var jsobj = getJsObj(download.data);
                var list = jsobj.query.imageusage;
                if (list) {
                    var ret = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                    if (ret.length === 0) {
                        return popupString(
                            'No image links found');
                    return '<h2>' + popupString('File links') + '</h2>' + linkList(ret);
                } else {
                    return popupString('No image links found');
            } catch (someError) {
                return 'Image links preview generation failed :(';

        function APIcategoryPreviewHTML(article, download) {
            try {
                var jsobj = getJsObj(download.data);
                var list = jsobj.query.categorymembers;
                var ret = [];
                for (var p = 0; p < list.length; p++) {
                if (ret.length === 0) {
                    return popupString('Empty category');
                ret = '<h2>' + tprintf('Category members (%s shown)', [ret.length]) + '</h2>' + linkList(ret);
                if (jsobj['query-continue'] && jsobj['query-continue'].categorymembers && jsobj['query-continue'].categorymembers.cmcontinue) {
                    ret += popupString(' and more');
                return ret;
            } catch (someError) {
                return 'Category preview failed :(';

        function APIuserInfoPreviewHTML(article, download) {
            var ret = [];
            var queryobj = {};
            try {
                queryobj = getJsObj(download.data).query;
            } catch (someError) {
                return 'Userinfo preview failed :(';
            var user = anyChild(queryobj.users);
            if (user) {
                var globaluserinfo =
                if (user.invalid === '') {
                    ret.push(popupString('Invalid user'));
                } else if (user.missing === '') {
                    ret.push(popupString('Not a registered username'));
                if (user.blockedby) ret.push('<b>' + popupString('BLOCKED') + '</b>');
                if (globaluserinfo && ('locked' in globaluserinfo || 'hidden' in globaluserinfo)) {
                    var lockedSulAccountIsAttachedToThis = !0;
                    for (var i = 0; globaluserinfo.unattached && i < globaluserinfo.unattached.length; i++) {
                        if (globaluserinfo.unattached[i].wiki === mw.config.get('wgDBname')) {
                            lockedSulAccountIsAttachedToThis = !1;
                    if (lockedSulAccountIsAttachedToThis) {
                        if ('locked' in globaluserinfo) ret.push('<b><i>' + popupString('LOCKED') + '</i></b>');
                        if ('hidden' in globaluserinfo) ret.push('<b><i>' + popupString('HIDDEN') + '</i></b>');
                if (getValueOf('popupShowGender') && user.gender) {
                    switch (user.gender) {
                        case "male":
                        case "female":
                if (user.groups) {
                    for (var j = 0; j < user.groups.length; j++) {
                        var currentGroup = user.groups[j];
                        if (["*", "user", "autoconfirmed", "extendedconfirmed"].indexOf(currentGroup) === -1) {
                if (globaluserinfo && globaluserinfo.groups) {
                    for (var k = 0; k < globaluserinfo.groups.length; k++) {
                        ret.push('<i>' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(globaluserinfo.groups[k]) + '</i>');
                if (user.registration) ret.push(pg.escapeQuotesHTML((user.editcount ? user.editcount : '0') + popupString(' edits since: ') + (user.registration ? dayFormat(getDateFromTimestamp(user.registration)) : '')));
            if (queryobj.usercontribs && queryobj.usercontribs.length) {
                ret.push(popupString('last edit on ') + dayFormat(getDateFromTimestamp(queryobj.usercontribs[0].timestamp)));
            if (queryobj.blocks) {
                ret.push(popupString('IP user'));
                for (var l = 0; l < queryobj.blocks.length; l++) {
                    ret.push('<b>' + popupString(queryobj.blocks[l].rangestart === queryobj.blocks[l].rangeend ? 'BLOCKED' : 'RANGEBLOCKED') + '</b>');
            ret = '<hr />' + ret.join(', ');
            return ret;

        function APIcontribsPreviewHTML(article, download, navpop) {
            return APIhistoryPreviewHTML(article, download, navpop, true);

        function APIhistoryPreviewHTML(article, download, navpop, reallyContribs) {
            try {
                var jsobj = getJsObj(download.data);
                var tz = jsobj.query.userinfo.options.timecorrection;
                var edits = [];
                if (reallyContribs) {
                    edits = jsobj.query.usercontribs;
                } else {
                    edits = anyChild(jsobj.query.pages).revisions;
                var timeOffset = getTimeOffset(tz);
                Cookie.create('popTz', timeOffset, 1);
                var ret = editPreviewTable(article, edits, reallyContribs, timeOffset);
                return ret;
            } catch (someError) {
                return 'History preview failed :-(';

        function setupDebugging() {
            if (window.popupDebug) {
                window.log = function(x) {
                window.errlog = function(x) {
                log('Initializing logger');
            } else {
                window.log = function(x) {};
                window.errlog = function(x) {};

        function loadImage(image, navpop) {
            if (typeof image.stripNamespace != 'function') {
                alert('loadImages bad');
            if (!getValueOf('popupImages') || !mw.config.get('wgEnableAPI')) return;
            if (!isValidImageName(image)) return false;
            var art = image.urlString();
            var url = pg.wiki.apiwikibase +
            url += '&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=url|mime&iiurlwidth=' + getValueOf('popupImageSizeLarge');
            url += '&titles=' + art;
            if (pg.flag.isIE) {
                url = url + '&*';
            var callback = function(d) {
                popupsInsertImage(navpop.idNumber, navpop, d);
            var go = function() {
                getPageWithCaching(url, callback, navpop);
                return true;
            if (navpop.visible || !getValueOf('popupLazyDownloads')) {
            } else {
                navpop.addHook(go, 'unhide', 'after', 'DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_QUERY_DATA');

        function popupsInsertImage(id, navpop, download) {
            var imageinfo;
            try {
                var jsObj = getJsObj(download.data);
                var imagepage = anyChild(jsObj.query.pages);
                if (typeof imagepage.imageinfo === 'undefined') return;
                imageinfo = imagepage.imageinfo[0];
            } catch (someError) {
                log("popupsInsertImage failed :(");
            var popupImage = document.getElementById("popupImg" + id);
            if (!popupImage) {
                log("could not find insertion point for image");
            popupImage.width = getValueOf('popupImageSize');
            popupImage.style.display = 'inline';
            if (imageinfo.thumburl) popupImage.src = imageinfo.thumburl;
            else if (imageinfo.mime.indexOf("image") === 0) {
                popupImage.src = imageinfo.url;
                log("a thumb could not be found, using original image");
            } else log("fullsize imagethumb, but not sure if it's an image");
            var a = document.getElementById("popupImageLink" + id);
            if (a === null) {
                return null;
            switch (getValueOf('popupThumbAction')) {
                case 'imagepage':
                    if (pg.current.article.namespaceId() != pg.nsImageId) {
                        a.href = imageinfo.descriptionurl;
                        popTipsSoonFn('popupImage' + id)();
                case 'sizetoggle':
                    a.onclick = toggleSize;
                    a.title = popupString('Toggle image size');
                case 'linkfull':
                    a.href = imageinfo.url;
                    a.title = popupString('Open full-size image');

        function toggleSize() {
            var imgContainer = this;
            if (!imgContainer) {
                alert('imgContainer is null :/');
            img = imgContainer.firstChild;
            if (!img) {
                alert('img is null :/');
            if (!img.style.width || img.style.width === '') {
                img.style.width = '100%';
            } else {
                img.style.width = '';

        function getValidImageFromWikiText(wikiText) {
            var matched = null;
            var t = removeMatchesUnless(wikiText, RegExp('(<!--[\\s\\S]*?-->)'), 1, RegExp('^<!--[^[]*popup', 'i'));
            while ((match = pg.re.image.exec(t))) {
                var m = match[2] || match[6];
                if (isValidImageName(m)) {
                    matched = m;
            pg.re.image.lastIndex = 0;
            if (!matched) {
                return null;
            return mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsImageId] + ':' + upcaseFirst(matched);

        function removeMatchesUnless(str, re1, parencount, re2) {
            var split = str.parenSplit(re1);
            var c = parencount + 1;
            for (var i = 0; i < split.length; ++i) {
                if (i % c === 0 || re2.test(split[i])) {
                split[i] = '';
            return split.join('');

        function namespaceListToRegex(list) {
            return RegExp('^(' + list.join('|').split(' ').join('[ _]') + '):');

        function setNamespaces() {
            pg.nsSpecialId = -1;
            pg.nsMainspaceId = 0;
            pg.nsImageId = 6;
            pg.nsUserId = 2;
            pg.nsUsertalkId = 3;
            pg.nsCategoryId = 14;
            pg.nsTemplateId = 10;

        function setRedirs() {
            var r = 'redirect';
            var R = 'REDIRECT';
            var redirLists = {
                'ar': [R, 'تحويل'],
                'be': [r, 'перанакіраваньне'],
                'bg': [r, 'пренасочване', 'виж'],
                'bs': [r,
                    'Preusmjeri', 'preusmjeri', 'PREUSMJERI'
                'cs': [R, 'PŘESMĚRUJ'],
                'cy': [r, 'ail-cyfeirio'],
                'de': [R, 'WEITERLEITUNG'],
                'el': [R, 'ΑΝΑΚΑΤΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ'],
                'eo': [R, 'ALIDIREKTU', 'ALIDIREKTI'],
                'es': [R, 'REDIRECCIÓN'],
                'et': [r, 'suuna'],
                'ga': [r, 'athsheoladh'],
                'gl': [r, 'REDIRECCIÓN', 'REDIRECIONAMENTO'],
                'he': [R, 'הפניה'],
                'hu': [R, 'ÁTIRÁNYÍTÁS'],
                'is': [r, 'tilvísun', 'TILVÍSUN'],
                'it': [R, 'RINVIA', 'Rinvia'],
                'ja': [R, '転送'],
                'mk': [r, 'пренасочување', 'види'],
                'nds': [r, 'wiederleiden'],
                'nl': [R, 'DOORVERWIJZING'],
                'nn': [r, 'omdiriger'],
                'pl': [R, 'PATRZ', 'PRZEKIERUJ', 'TAM'],
                'pt': [R, 'redir'],
                'ru': [R, 'ПЕРЕНАПРАВЛЕНИЕ', 'ПЕРЕНАПР'],
                'sk': [r, 'presmeruj'],
                'sr': [r, 'Преусмери', 'преусмери', 'ПРЕУСМЕРИ', 'Preusmeri', 'preusmeri', 'PREUSMERI'],
                'tt': [R, 'yünältü', 'перенаправление', 'перенапр'],
                'uk': [R, 'ПЕРЕНАПРАВЛЕННЯ', 'ПЕРЕНАПР'],
                'vi': [r, 'đổi'],
                'zh': [R, '重定向']
            var redirList = redirLists[pg.wiki.lang] || [r, R];
            pg.re.redirect = RegExp('^\\s*[#](' + redirList.join('|') + ').*?\\[{2}([^\\|\\]]*)(|[^\\]]*)?\\]{2}\\s*(.*)', 'i');

        function setInterwiki() {
            if (pg.wiki.wikimedia) {
                pg.wiki.interwiki =
                pg.re.interwiki = RegExp('^' + pg.wiki.interwiki + ':');
            } else {
                pg.wiki.interwiki = null;
                pg.re.interwiki = RegExp('^$');

        function nsRe(namespaceId) {
            var imageNamespaceVariants = [];
            jQuery.each(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds'), function(_localizedNamespaceLc, _namespaceId) {
                if (_namespaceId != namespaceId) return;
                _localizedNamespaceLc = upcaseFirst(_localizedNamespaceLc);
                imageNamespaceVariants.push(_localizedNamespaceLc.split(' ').join('[ _]'));
            return '(?:' + imageNamespaceVariants.join('|') + ')';

        function nsReImage() {
            return nsRe(pg.nsImageId);

        function getEditboxSelection() {
            var editbox;
            try {
                editbox = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
            } catch (dang) {
            if (document.selection) {
                return document.selection.createRange().text;
            var selStart = editbox.selectionStart;
            var selEnd = editbox.selectionEnd;
            return (editbox.value).substring(selStart, selEnd);

        function doSelectionPopup() {
            var sel = getEditboxSelection();
            var open = sel.indexOf('[[');
            var pipe = sel.indexOf('|');
            var close = sel.indexOf(']]');
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            a.href = pg.wiki.titlebase + article;
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                }, 'unhide', 'after');

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                div.id = 'selectionPreview';
                try {
                    var box = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
                    box.parentNode.insertBefore(div, box);
                } catch (error) {
            div.innerHTML = wiki2html(str);
            div.ranSetupTooltipsAlready = !1;

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                y = this.y,
                len = this.hooks.length;
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                    remove = !0;
                    removeObj[i] = !0;
            if (remove) {
        Mousetracker.prototype.removeHooks = function(removeObj) {
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                if (!removeObj[i]) {
            this.hooks = newHooks;
        Mousetracker.prototype.track = function(e) {
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                    y = e.clientY + top;
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                this.setPosition(x, y);
        Mousetracker.prototype.setPosition = function(x, y) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
            if (this.dirty || this.hooks.length === 0) {
                this.dirty = !1;
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                this.lastHook_x = -100;
                this.lastHook_y = -100;
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            diff = (diff >= 0) ? diff : -diff;
            if (diff > 1) {
                this.lastHook_x = x;
                this.lastHook_y = y;
                if (this.dirty) {
                    this.dirty = !1;
                } else {
        Mousetracker.prototype.enable = function() {
            if (this.active) {
            this.active = !0;
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            var savedThis = this;
            document.onmousemove = function(e) {
                savedThis.track.apply(savedThis, [e]);
            if (this.loopDelay) {
                this.timer = setInterval(function() {
                }, this.loopDelay);
        Mousetracker.prototype.disable = function() {
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        function Navpopup(init) {
            this.uid = Navpopup.uid++;
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                'create': [],
                'unhide': [],
                'hide': []
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        Navpopup.prototype.isVisible = function() {
            return this.visible;
        Navpopup.prototype.reposition = function(x, y, noLimitHor) {
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        Navpopup.prototype.limitHorizontalPosition = function() {
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                    .mainDiv.style.left = '-10000px';
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                    newLeft = 0;
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                log('limitHorizontalPosition: moving to (' + newLeft + ',' + this.top + ');' + ' naturalWidth=' + naturalWidth + ', clientWidth=' + cWidth);
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        Navpopup.highest = 1000;
        Navpopup.prototype.raise = function() {
            this.mainDiv.style.zIndex = Navpopup.highest + 1;
        Navpopup.prototype.show = function() {
            if (this.noshow) {
        Navpopup.prototype.showSoon = function(time) {
            if (this.visible) {
            this.noshow = !1;
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            setTimeout(function() {
                if (Navpopup.tracker.active) {
                    savedThis.reposition.apply(savedThis, [Navpopup.tracker.x + 2, Navpopup.tracker.y + 2]);
                savedThis.show.apply(savedThis, []);
            }, time);
        Navpopup.prototype.showSoonIfStable = function(time) {
            log('showSoonIfStable, time=' + time);
            if (this.visible) {
            noshow = !1;
            this.stable_x = -10000;
            this.stable_y = -10000;
            var stableShow = function() {
                log('stableShow called');
                var new_x = Navpopup.tracker.x,
                    new_y = Navpopup.tracker.y;
                var dx = savedThis.stable_x - new_x,
                    dy = savedThis.stable_y - new_y;
                var fuzz2 = 0;
                if (dx * dx <= fuzz2 && dy * dy <= fuzz2) {
                    log('mouse is stable');
                    savedThis.reposition.apply(savedThis, [new_x + 2, new_y + 2]);
                    savedThis.show.apply(savedThis, []);
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                savedThis.stable_y = new_y;
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            this.showSoonStableTimer = setInterval(stableShow, time / 2);
        Navpopup.prototype.stick = function() {
            this.noshow = !1;
            this.sticky = !0;
        Navpopup.prototype.unstick = function() {
            this.sticky = !1;
        Navpopup.prototype.banish = function() {
            log('banish called');
            this.noshow = !0;
            if (this.showSoonStableTimer) {
                log('clearing showSoonStableTimer');
        Navpopup.prototype.runHooks = function(key, when) {
            if (!this.hooks[key]) {
            var keyHooks = this.hooks[key];
            var len =
            for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
                if (keyHooks[i] && keyHooks[i].when == when) {
                    if (keyHooks[i].hook.apply(this, [])) {
                        if (keyHooks[i].hookId) {
                            delete this.hookIds[keyHooks[i].hookId];
                        keyHooks[i] = null;
        Navpopup.prototype.addHook = function(hook, key, when, uid) {
            when = when || 'after';
            if (!this.hooks[key]) {
            var hookId = null;
            if (uid) {
                hookId = [key, when, uid].join('|');
                if (this.hookIds[hookId]) {
                this.hookIds[hookId] = !0;
                hook: hook,
                when: when,
                hookId: hookId
        Navpopup.prototype.createMainDiv = function() {
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            mainDiv.onclick = function(e) {
            mainDiv.className = (this.className) ? this.className : 'navpopup_maindiv';
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            mainDiv.style.position = 'absolute';
            mainDiv.style.display = 'none';
            mainDiv.className = 'navpopup';
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            this.runHooks('create', 'after');
        Navpopup.prototype.onclickHandler = function(e) {
        Navpopup.prototype.makeDraggable = function(handleName) {
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                drag.startCondition = function(e) {
                    try {
                        if (!e.shiftKey) {
                            return false;
                    } catch (err) {
                        return false;
                    return true;
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            var np = this;
            drag.endHook = function(x, y) {
                Navpopup.tracker.dirty = !0;
                np.reposition(x, y);
            drag.init(dragHandle, this.mainDiv);
        Navpopup.prototype.hide = function() {
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                this.visible = !1;
            this.runHooks('hide', 'after');
        Navpopup.prototype.unhide = function() {
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                this.mainDiv.style.display = 'inline';
                this.visible = !0;
        Navpopup.prototype.setInnerHTML = function(html) {
            this.mainDiv.innerHTML = html;
        Navpopup.prototype.updateDimensions = function() {
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            this.height = parseInt(this.mainDiv.offsetHeight, 10);
        Navpopup.prototype.isWithin = function(x, y) {
            if (!this.visible) {
                return false;
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        Navpopup.prototype.addDownload = function(download) {
            if (!download) {
        Navpopup.prototype.abortDownloads = function() {
            for (var i = 0; i < this.downloads.length; ++i) {
                var d = this.downloads[i];
                if (d && d.abort) {
            this.downloads = [];
        Navpopup.tracker = new Mousetracker();

        function delFmt(x) {
            if (!x.length) {
                return '';
            return "<del class='popupDiff'>" + x.join('') + "</del>";

        function insFmt(x) {
            if (!x.length) {
                return '';
            return "<ins class='popupDiff'>" + x.join('') + "</ins>";

        function countCrossings(a, b, i, eject) {
            if (!b[i].row && b[i].row !== 0) {
                return -1;
            var count = 0;
            for (var j = 0; j < a.length; ++j) {
                if (!a[j].row && a[j].row !== 0) {
                if ((j - b[i].row) * (i - a[j].row) > 0) {
                    if (eject) {
                        return true;
            return count;

        function shortenDiffString(str, context) {
            var re = RegExp('(<del[\\s\\S]*?</del>|<ins[\\s\\S]*?</ins>)');
            var splitted = str.parenSplit(re);
            var ret = [''];
            for (var i = 0; i < splitted.length; i += 2) {
                if (splitted[i].length < 2 * context) {
                    ret[ret.length - 1] += splitted[i];
                    if (i + 1 < splitted.length) {
                        ret[ret.length - 1] += splitted[i + 1];
                } else {
                    if (i > 0) {
                        ret[ret.length - 1] += splitted[i].substring(0, context);
                    if (i + 1 < splitted.length) {
                        ret.push(splitted[i].substring(splitted[i].length - context) + splitted[i + 1]);
            while (ret.length > 0 && !ret[0]) {
                ret = ret.slice(1);
            return ret;

        function diffString(o, n, simpleSplit) {
            var splitRe = RegExp('([[]{2}|[\\]]{2}|[{]{2,3}|[}]{2,3}|[|]|=|<|>|[*:]+|\\s|\\b)');
            var out, i, oSplitted, nSplitted;
            if (simpleSplit) {
                oSplitted = o.split(/\b/);
                nSplitted = n.split(/\b/);
            } else {
                oSplitted = o.parenSplit(splitRe);
                nSplitted = n.parenSplit(
            for (i = 0; i < oSplitted.length; ++i) {
                oSplitted[i] = oSplitted[i].entify();
            for (i = 0; i < nSplitted.length; ++i) {
                nSplitted[i] = nSplitted[i].entify();
            out = diff(oSplitted, nSplitted);
            var str = "";
            var acc = [];
            var maxOutputPair = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < out.n.length; ++i) {
                if (out.n[i].paired) {
                    if (maxOutputPair > out.n[i].row) {
                        out.o[out.n[i].row] = out.o[out.n[i].row].text;
                        out.n[i] = out.n[i].text;
                    if (maxOutputPair < out.n[i].row) {
                        maxOutputPair = out.n[i].row;
            for (i = 0; i < out.o.length && !out.o[i].paired; ++i) {
            str += delFmt(acc);
            acc = [];
            for (i = 0; i < out.n.length; ++i) {
                while (i < out.n.length && !out.n[i].paired) {
                str += insFmt(acc);
                acc = [];
                if (i < out.n.length) {
                    str += out.n[i].text;
                    var m = out.n[i].row + 1;
                    while (m < out.o.length && !out.o[m].paired) {
                    str += delFmt(acc);
                    acc = [];
            return str;
        var jsReservedProperties = RegExp('^(constructor|prototype|__((define|lookup)[GS]etter)__' + '|eval|hasOwnProperty|propertyIsEnumerable' + '|to(Source|String|LocaleString)|(un)?watch|valueOf)$');

        function diffBugAlert
            (word) {
                if (!diffBugAlert.list[word]) {
                    diffBugAlert.list[word] = 1;
                    alert('Bad word: ' + word + '\n\nPlease report this bug.');
        diffBugAlert.list = {};

        function makeDiffHashtable(src) {
            var ret = {};
            for (var i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
                if (jsReservedProperties.test(src[i])) {
                    src[i] += '<!-- -->';
                if (!ret[src[i]]) {
                    ret[src[i]] = [];
                try {
                } catch (err) {
            return ret;

        function diff(o, n) {
            var ns = makeDiffHashtable(n);
            var os = makeDiffHashtable(o);
            var i;
            for (i in ns) {
                if (ns[i].length == 1 && os[i] && os[i].length == 1) {
                    n[ns[i][0]] = {
                        text: n[ns[i][0]],
                        row: os[i][0],
                        paired: !0
                    o[os[i][0]] = {
                        text: o[os[i][0]],
                        row: ns[i][0],
                        paired: !0
            for (i = 0; i < n.length - 1; i++) {
                if (n[i].paired && !n[i + 1].paired && n[i].row + 1 < o.length && !o[n[i].row + 1].paired && n[i + 1] == o[n[i].row + 1]) {
                    n[i + 1] = {
                        text: n[i + 1],
                        row: n[i].row + 1,
                        paired: !0
                    o[n[i].row + 1] = {
                        text: o[n[i].row + 1],
                        row: i + 1,
                        paired: !0
            for (i = n.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                if (n[i].paired && !n[i - 1].paired && n[i].row > 0 && !o[n[i].row - 1].paired && n[i - 1] == o[n[i].row - 1]) {
                    n[i - 1] = {
                        text: n[i - 1],
                        row: n[i].row - 1,
                        paired: !0
                    o[n[i].row - 1] = {
                        text: o[n[i].row - 1],
                        row: i - 1,
                        paired: !0
            return {
                o: o,
                n: n

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                .wiki.botInterfacePath + '?title=';
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            pg.re.urlNoPopup = RegExp('((title=|/)' + sp +
            pg.re.contribs = RegExp('(title=|/)' + sp + '(?:%3A|:)Contributions' + '(&target=|/|/' + mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId] + ':)(.*)');
            pg.re.email = RegExp('(title=|/)' + sp + '(?:%3A|:)EmailUser' + '(&target=|/|/(?:' + mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId] + ':)?)(.*)');
            pg.re.backlinks = RegExp('(title=|/)' + sp + '(?:%3A|:)WhatLinksHere' + '(&target=|/)([^&]*)');
            pg.re.specialdiff = RegExp('/' + sp + '(?:%3A|:)Diff/([^?#]*)');
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            pg.re.category = RegExp('\\[\\[' + nsRe(pg.nsCategoryId) + ': *([^|\\]]*[^|\\] ]) *', 'i');
            pg.re.categoryBracketCount = 1;
            pg.re.ipUser = RegExp('^' + '(?::(?::|(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,6}::|[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){7})' +
                '|(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\\.){3}' + '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))$');
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            pg.re.diff = RegExp('[?&]diff=([^&]*)');

        function setupCache() {
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            pg.timer.checkPopupPosition = null;
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                to: ' '
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                from: '%24',
                to: '$'
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                to: '&'

        function leadingInteger(s) {
            var n = s.match(/^(\d*)/)[1];
            if (n) {
                return +n;
            return null;

        function setBrowserHacks() {
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                    useOriginal = !0;
                setDefault('popupNavLinkSeparator', ' &#183; ');
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                setDefault('popupNavLinkSeparator', ' &bull; ');
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                .vendor && navigator.vendor.toLowerCase().indexOf('apple computer') === 0) {
                pg.flag.isSafari = !0;
                var webkit = +navigator.userAgent.replace(RegExp('^.*AppleWebKit[/](\\d+).*', 'i'), '$1');
                if (webkit < 420) {
                    useOriginal = !0;
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                setDefault('popupNavLinkSeparator', ' &#183; ');
                var ver = +navigator.userAgent.replace(RegExp('^.*MSIE (\\d+).*'), '$1');
                pg.flag.isIE = !0;
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            if (pg.flag.isIE && pg.flag.IEVersion < 8) {
                useOriginal = !0;
            if ((pg.flag.isIE && pg.flag.IEVersion < 7) || pg.flag.isKonq || (pg.flag.isSafari && webkitUnder420)) {
                pg.flag.linksLikeIE6 = !0;
            if (useOriginal && pg.structures.original) {
                setDefault('popupStructure', 'original');

        function setupPopups(callback) {
            mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.user']).then(function() {
                    'In setupPopups(), just called setupTooltips()');
                setupPopups.completed = !0;
                if ($.isFunction(callback)) {

        function defaultNavlinkSpec() {
            var str = '';
            str += '<b><<mainlink|shortcut= >></b>';
            if (getValueOf('popupLastEditLink')) {
                str += '*<<lastEdit|shortcut=/>>|<<lastContrib>>|<<sinceMe>>if(oldid){|<<oldEdit>>|<<diffCur>>}';
            str += 'if(user){<br><<contribs|shortcut=c>>*<<userlog|shortcut=L|log>>';
            str += 'if(ipuser){*<<arin>>}if(wikimedia){*<<count|shortcut=#>>}';
            str += 'if(ipuser){}else{*<<email|shortcut=E>>}if(admin){*<<block|shortcut=b>>|<<blocklog|log>>}}';
            var editstr = '<<edit|shortcut=e>>';
            var editOldidStr = 'if(oldid){<<editOld|shortcut=e>>|<<revert|shortcut=v|rv>>|<<edit|cur>>}else{' + editstr + '}';
            var historystr = '<<history|shortcut=h>>if(mainspace_en){|<<editors|shortcut=E|>>}';
            var watchstr = '<<unwatch|unwatchShort>>|<<watch|shortcut=w|watchThingy>>';
            str += '<br>if(talk){' + editOldidStr + '|<<new|shortcut=+>>' + '*' + historystr + '*' + watchstr + '*' +
                '<b><<article|shortcut=a>></b>|<<editArticle|edit>>' + '}else{' + editOldidStr + '*' + historystr + '*' + watchstr + '*' + '<b><<talk|shortcut=t>></b>|<<editTalk|edit>>|<<newTalk|shortcut=+|new>>}';
            str += '<br><<whatLinksHere|shortcut=l>>*<<relatedChanges|shortcut=r>>*<<move|shortcut=m>>';
            str += 'if(admin){<br><<unprotect|unprotectShort>>|<<protect|shortcut=p>>|<<protectlog|log>>*' + '<<undelete|undeleteShort>>|<<delete|shortcut=d>>|<<deletelog|log>>}';
            return str;

        function navLinksHTML(article, hint, params) {
            var str = '<span class="popupNavLinks">' + defaultNavlinkSpec() + '</span>';
            return navlinkStringToHTML(str, article, params);

        function expandConditionalNavlinkString(s, article, z, recursionCount) {
            var oldid = z.oldid,
                rcid = z.rcid,
                diff = z.diff;
            if (typeof recursionCount != typeof 0) {
                recursionCount = 0;
            var conditionalSplitRegex = RegExp('(;?\\s*if\\s*\\(\\s*([\\w]*)\\s*\\)\\s*\\{([^{}]*)\\}(\\s*else\\s*\\{([^{}]*?)\\}|))', 'i');
            var splitted = s.parenSplit(conditionalSplitRegex);
            var numParens = 5;
            var ret = splitted[0];
            for (var i = 1; i <
                splitted.length; i = i + numParens + 1) {
                var testString = splitted[i + 2 - 1];
                var trueString = splitted[i + 3 - 1];
                var falseString = splitted[i + 5 - 1];
                if (typeof falseString == 'undefined' || !falseString) {
                    falseString = '';
                var testResult = null;
                switch (testString) {
                    case 'user':
                        testResult = (article.userName()) ? true : !1;
                    case 'talk':
                        testResult = (article.talkPage()) ? false : !0;
                    case 'admin':
                        testResult = getValueOf('popupAdminLinks') ? true : !1;
                    case 'oldid':
                        testResult = (typeof oldid != 'undefined' && oldid) ? true : !1;
                    case 'rcid':
                        testResult = (typeof rcid != 'undefined' && rcid) ? true : !1;
                    case 'ipuser':
                        testResult = (article.isIpUser()) ? true : !1;
                    case 'mainspace_en':
                        testResult = isInMainNamespace(article) && pg.wiki.hostname == 'en.wikipedia.org';
                    case 'wikimedia':
                        testResult = (pg.wiki.wikimedia) ? true : !1;
                    case 'diff':
                        testResult = (typeof diff != 'undefined' && diff) ? true : !1;
                switch (testResult) {
                    case null:
                        ret += splitted[i];
                    case true:
                        ret += trueString;
                    case false:
                        ret += falseString;
                ret +=
                    splitted[i + numParens];
            if (conditionalSplitRegex.test(ret) && recursionCount < 10) {
                return expandConditionalNavlinkString(ret, article, z, recursionCount + 1);
            return ret;

        function navlinkStringToArray(s, article, params) {
            s = expandConditionalNavlinkString(s, article, params);
            var splitted = s.parenSplit(RegExp('<<(.*?)>>'));
            var ret = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < splitted.length; ++i) {
                if (i % 2) {
                    var t = new navlinkTag();
                    var ss = splitted[i].split('|');
                    t.id = ss[0];
                    for (var j = 1; j < ss.length; ++j) {
                        var sss = ss[j].split('=');
                        if (sss.length > 1) {
                            t[sss[0]] = sss[1];
                        } else {
                            t.text = popupString(sss[0]);
                    t.article = article;
                    var oldid = params.oldid,
                        rcid = params.rcid,
                        diff = params.diff;
                    if (typeof oldid !== 'undefined' && oldid !== null) {
                        t.oldid = oldid;
                    if (typeof rcid !== 'undefined' && rcid !== null) {
                        t.rcid = rcid;
                    if (typeof diff !== 'undefined' && diff !== null) {
                        t.diff = diff;
                    if (!t.text && t.id !== 'mainlink') {
                        t.text = popupString(t.id);
                } else {
            return ret;

        function navlinkSubstituteHTML(s) {
            return s.split('*').join(getValueOf('popupNavLinkSeparator')).split('<menurow>').join('<li class="popup_menu_row">').split('</menurow>').join('</li>').split('<menu>').join('<ul class="popup_menu">').split('</menu>').join('</ul>');

        function navlinkDepth(magic, s) {
            return s.split('<' + magic + '>').length - s.split('</' + magic + '>').length;

        function navlinkStringToHTML(s, article, params) {
            var p = navlinkStringToArray(s, article, params);
            var html = '';
            var menudepth = 0;
            var menurowdepth = 0;
            var wrapping = null;
            for (var i = 0; i < p.length; ++i) {
                if (typeof p[i] == typeof '') {
                    html += navlinkSubstituteHTML(p[i]);
                    menudepth += navlinkDepth('menu', p[i]);
                    menurowdepth += navlinkDepth('menurow', p[i]);
                } else if (typeof p[i].type != 'undefined' && p[i].type == 'navlinkTag') {
                    if (menudepth > 0 && menurowdepth === 0) {
                        html += '<li class="popup_menu_item">' + p[i].html() + '</li>';
                    } else {
                        html += p[i].html();
            return html;

        function navlinkTag() {
            this.type = 'navlinkTag';
        navlinkTag.prototype.html = function() {
            var html = '';
            var opening, closing;
            var tagType = 'span';
            if (!tagType) {
                opening = '';
                closing =
            } else {
                opening = '<' + tagType + ' class="popup_' + this.id + '">';
                closing = '</' + tagType + '>';
            if (typeof this.print != 'function') {
                errlog('Oh dear - invalid print function for a navlinkTag, id=' + this.id);
            } else {
                html = this.print(this);
                if (typeof html != typeof '') {
                    html = '';
                } else if (typeof this.shortcut != 'undefined') html = addPopupShortcut(html, this.shortcut);
            return opening + html + closing;
        navlinkTag.prototype.getNewWin = function() {
            if (typeof pg.option.popupLinksNewWindow[this.id] === 'undefined') {
                this.newWin = null;
            this.newWin = pg.option.popupLinksNewWindow[this.id];
        navlinkTag.prototype.getPrintFunction = function() {
            if (typeof this.id != typeof '' || typeof this.article != typeof {}) {
            var html = '';
            var a, t;
            this.noPopup = 1;
            switch (this.id) {
                case 'contribs':
                case 'history':
                case 'whatLinksHere':
                case 'userPage':
                case 'monobook':
                case 'userTalk':
                case 'talk':
                case 'article':
                case 'lastEdit':
                    this.noPopup = null;
            switch (this.id) {
                case 'email':
                case 'contribs':
                case 'block':
                case 'unblock':
                case 'userlog':
                case 'userSpace':
                case 'deletedContribs':
                    this.article = this.article.userName();
            switch (this.id) {
                case 'userTalk':
                case 'newUserTalk':
                case 'editUserTalk':
                case 'userPage':
                case 'monobook':
                case 'editMonobook':
                case 'blocklog':
                    this.article = this.article.userName(true);
                case 'pagelog':
                case 'deletelog':
                case 'protectlog':
                    delete this.oldid;
            if (this.id == 'editMonobook' || this.id == 'monobook') {
            if (this.id != 'mainlink') {
                this.article = this.article.removeAnchor();
            switch (this.id) {
                case 'undelete':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Undelete';
                    this.sep = '/';
                case 'whatLinksHere':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Whatlinkshere';
                case 'relatedChanges':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Recentchangeslinked';
                case 'move':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Movepage';
                case 'contribs':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Contributions';
                case 'deletedContribs':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Deletedcontributions';
                case 'email':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    specialpage = 'EmailUser';
                    this.sep = '/';
                case 'block':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Blockip';
                    this.sep = '&ip=';
                case 'unblock':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Ipblocklist';
                    this.sep = '&action=unblock&ip=';
                case 'userlog':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Log';
                    this.sep = '&user=';
                case 'blocklog':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Log';
                    this.sep = '&type=block&page=';
                case 'pagelog':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Log';
                    this.sep = '&page=';
                case 'protectlog':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Log';
                    this.sep = '&type=protect&page=';
                case 'deletelog':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Log';
                    this.sep = '&type=delete&page=';
                case 'userSpace':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'PrefixIndex';
                    this.sep = '&namespace=2&prefix=';
                case 'search':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Search';
                    this.sep = '&fulltext=Search&search=';
                case 'thank':
                    this.print = specialLink;
                    this.specialpage = 'Thanks';
                    this.sep = '/';
                    this.article.value =
                case 'unwatch':
                case 'watch':
                    this.print = magicWatchLink;
                    this.action = this.id + '&autowatchlist=1&autoimpl=' + popupString('autoedit_version') + '&actoken=' + autoClickToken();
                case 'history':
                case 'historyfeed':
                case 'unprotect':
                case 'protect':
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    this.action = this.id;
                case 'delete':
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    this.action = 'delete';
                    if (this.article.namespaceId() == pg.nsImageId) {
                        var img = this.article.stripNamespace();
                        this.action += '&image=' + img;
                case 'markpatrolled':
                case 'edit':
                    delete this.oldid;
                case 'view':
                case 'purge':
                case 'render':
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    this.action = this.id;
                case 'raw':
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    this.action = 'raw&ctype=text/css';
                case 'new':
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    this.action = 'edit&section=new';
                case 'mainlink':
                    if (typeof this.text == 'undefined') {
                        this.text = this.article.toString().entify();
                    if (getValueOf('popupSimplifyMainLink') && isInStrippableNamespace(this.article)) {
                        var s = this.text.split('/');
                        this.text = s[s.length - 1];
                        if (this.text === '' && s.length > 1) {
                            this.text = s[s.length - 2];
                    this.print = titledWikiLink;
                    if (typeof this.title === 'undefined' && pg.current.link && typeof pg.current.link.href !== 'undefined') {
                        this.title = safeDecodeURI((pg.current.link.originalTitle) ? pg.current.link.originalTitle : this.article);
                        if (typeof this.oldid !== 'undefined' && this.oldid) {
                            this.title = tprintf('Revision %s of %s', [this.oldid, this.title]);
                    this.action = 'view';
                case 'userPage':
                case 'article':
                case 'monobook':
                case 'editMonobook':
                case 'editArticle':
                    delete this.oldid;
                    this.article = this.article.articleFromTalkOrArticle();
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    if (this.id.indexOf('edit') === 0) {
                        this.action = 'edit';
                    } else {
                        this.action = 'view';
                case 'userTalk':
                case 'talk':
                    this.article = this.article.talkPage();
                    delete this.oldid;
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    this.action = 'view';
                case 'arin':
                    this.print = arinLink;
                case 'count':
                    this.print = editCounterLink;
                case 'google':
                    this.print = googleLink;
                case 'editors':
                    this.print = editorListLink;
                case 'globalsearch':
                    this.print = globalSearchLink;
                case 'lastEdit':
                    print = titledDiffLink;
                    this.title = popupString('Show the last edit');
                    this.from = 'prev';
                    this.to = 'cur';
                case 'oldEdit':
                    this.print = titledDiffLink;
                    this.title = popupString('Show the edit made to get revision') + ' ' + this.oldid;
                    this.from = 'prev';
                    this.to = this.oldid;
                case 'editOld':
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    this.action = 'edit';
                case 'undo':
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    this.action = 'edit&undo=';
                case 'markpatrolled':
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    this.action = 'markpatrolled';
                case 'revert':
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    this.action = 'revert';
                case 'nullEdit':
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                    this.action = 'nullEdit';
                case 'diffCur':
                    this.print = titledDiffLink;
                    this.title = tprintf('Show changes since revision %s', [this.oldid]);
                    this.from = this.oldid;
                    this.to = 'cur';
                case 'editUserTalk':
                case 'editTalk':
                    delete this.oldid;
                    this.article = this.article.talkPage();
                    this.action = 'edit';
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                case 'newUserTalk':
                case 'newTalk':
                    this.article = this.article.talkPage();
                    this.action = 'edit&section=new';
                    this.print = wikiLink;
                case 'lastContrib':
                case 'sinceMe':
                    this.print = magicHistoryLink;
                case 'togglePreviews':
                    this.text = popupString(pg.option.simplePopups ? 'enable previews' : 'disable previews');
                case 'disablePopups':
                case 'purgePopups':
                    this.print = popupMenuLink;
                    this.print = function() {
                        return 'Unknown navlink type: ' + this.id + '';

        function popupHandleKeypress(evt) {
            var keyCode = window.event ? window.event.keyCode : (evt.keyCode ? evt.keyCode : evt.which);
            if (!keyCode || !pg.current.link || !pg.current.link.navpopup) {
            if (keyCode == 27) {
                return false;
            var letter = String.fromCharCode(keyCode);
            var links = pg.current.link.navpopup.mainDiv.getElementsByTagName('A');
            var startLink = 0;
            var i, j;
            if (popupHandleKeypress.lastPopupLinkSelected) {
                for (i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) {
                    if (links[i] == popupHandleKeypress.lastPopupLinkSelected) {
                        startLink = i;
            for (j = 0; j < links.length; ++j) {
                i = (startLink + j + 1) % links.length;
                if (links[i].getAttribute('popupkey') == letter) {
                    if (evt && evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault();
                    lastPopupLinkSelected = links[i];
                    return false;
            if (document.oldPopupOnkeypress) {
                return document.oldPopupOnkeypress(evt);
            return true;

        function addPopupShortcuts() {
            if (document.onkeypress != popupHandleKeypress) {
                document.oldPopupOnkeypress = document.onkeypress;
            document.onkeypress = popupHandleKeypress;

        function rmPopupShortcuts() {
            popupHandleKeypress.lastPopupLinkSelected = null;
            try {
                if (document.oldPopupOnkeypress && document.oldPopupOnkeypress == popupHandleKeypress) {
                    document.onkeypress = null;
                document.onkeypress = document.oldPopupOnkeypress;
            } catch (nasties) {}

        function addLinkProperty(html, property) {
            var i = html.indexOf('>');
            if (i < 0) {
                return html;
            return html.substring(0, i) + ' ' + property + html.substring(i);

        function addPopupShortcut(html, key) {
            if (!getValueOf('popupShortcutKeys')) {
                return html;
            var ret = addLinkProperty(html, 'popupkey="' + key + '"');
            if (key == ' ') {
                key = popupString('spacebar');
            return ret.replace(RegExp('^(.*?)(title=")(.*?)(".*)$', 'i'), '$1$2$3 [' + key + ']$4');

        function loadDiff(article, oldid, diff,
            navpop) {
            navpop.diffData = {};
            var oldRev, newRev;
            switch (diff) {
                case 'cur':
                    switch (oldid) {
                        case null:
                        case '':
                        case 'prev':
                            oldRev = '0&direction=prev';
                            newRev = 0;
                            oldRev = oldid;
                            newRev = (oldid || 0) + '&direction=cur';
                case 'prev':
                    oldRev = (oldid || 0) + '&direction=prev';
                    newRev = oldid;
                case 'next':
                    oldRev = oldid;
                    newRev = oldid + '&direction=next';
                    oldRev = oldid || 0;
                    newRev = diff || 0;
            oldRev = oldRev || 0;
            newRev = newRev || 0;
            var go = function() {
                getWiki(article, doneDiffNew, newRev, navpop);
                getWiki(article, doneDiffOld, oldRev, navpop);
                var tz = Cookie.read('popTz');
                if (mw.config.get('wgEnableAPI') && getValueOf('popupAdjustDiffDates') && tz === null) {
                    getPageWithCaching(pg.wiki.apiwikibase + '?format=json&action=query&meta=userinfo&uiprop=options', function(d) {
                        if (diffDownloadsComplete(navpop)) {
                    }, navpop);
                return true;
            if (navpop.visible || !getValueOf(
                    'popupLazyDownloads')) {
            } else {
                navpop.addHook(go, 'unhide', 'before', 'DOWNLOAD_DIFFS');

        function setTimecorrectionCookie(d) {
            try {
                var jsobj = getJsObj(d.data);
                var tz = jsobj.query.userinfo.options.timecorrection;
                Cookie.create('popTz', getTimeOffset(tz), 1);
            } catch (someError) {
                logerr('setTimecorretion failed');

        function doneDiff(download, isOld) {
            if (!download.owner || !download.owner.diffData) {
            var navpop = download.owner;
            var label = (isOld) ? 'Old' : 'New';
            var otherLabel = (isOld) ? 'New' : 'Old';
            navpop.diffData[label] = download;
            if (diffDownloadsComplete(navpop)) {

        function diffDownloadsComplete(navpop) {
            if (Cookie.read('popTz') === null) {
                return false;
            return navpop.diffData.Old && navpop.diffData.New;

        function doneDiffNew(download) {
            doneDiff(download, false);

        function doneDiffOld(download) {
            doneDiff(download, true);

        function rmBoringLines(a, b, context) {
            if (typeof context == 'undefined') {
                context = 2;
            var aa = [],
                aaa = [];
            var bb = [],
                bbb = [];
            var i, j;
            for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
                if (!a[i].paired) {
                    aa[i] = 1;
                } else if (countCrossings(b, a, i, true)) {
                    aa[i] = 1;
                    bb[a[i].row] = 1;
            for (i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) {
                if (bb[i] == 1) {
                if (!b[i].paired) {
                    bb[i] = 1;
            for (i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) {
                if (bb[i] == 1) {
                    for (j = max(0, i - context); j < min(b.length, i + context); ++j) {
                        if (!bb[j]) {
                            bb[j] = 1;
                            aa[b[j].row] = 0.5;
            for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
                if (aa[i] == 1) {
                    for (j = max(0, i - context); j < min(a.length, i + context); ++j) {
                        if (!aa[j]) {
                            aa[j] = 1;
                            bb[a[j].row] = 0.5;
            for (i = 0; i < bb.length; ++i) {
                if (bb[i] > 0) {
                    if (b[i].paired) {
                    } else {
            for (i = 0; i < aa.length; ++i) {
                if (aa[i] > 0) {
                    if (a[i].paired) {
                    } else {
            return {
                a: aaa,
                b: bbb

        function stripOuterCommonLines(a, b, context) {
            var i = 0;
            while (i < a.length && i < b.length && a[i] == b[i]) {
            var j = a.length - 1;
            var k = b.length - 1;
            while (j >= 0 && k >= 0 && a[j] == b[k]) {
            return {
                a: a.slice(max(0, i - 1 - context), min(a.length + 1, j + context + 1)),
                b: b.slice(max(0, i - 1 - context), min(b.length + 1, k + context + 1))

        function insertDiff(navpop) {
            var oldlines = navpop.diffData.
            var newlines = navpop.diffData.New.data.split('\n');
            var inner = stripOuterCommonLines(oldlines, newlines, getValueOf('popupDiffContextLines'));
            oldlines = inner.a;
            newlines = inner.b;
            var truncated = !1;
            if (oldlines.length > pg.option.popupDiffMaxLines || newlines.length > pg.option.popupDiffMaxLines) {
                truncated = !0;
                inner = stripOuterCommonLines(oldlines.slice(0, pg.option.popupDiffMaxLines), newlines.slice(0, pg.option.popupDiffMaxLines), pg.option.popupDiffContextLines);
                oldlines = inner.a;
                newlines = inner.b;
            var lineDiff = diff(oldlines, newlines);
            var lines2 = rmBoringLines(lineDiff.o, lineDiff.n);
            var oldlines2 = lines2.a;
            var newlines2 = lines2.b;
            var simpleSplit = !String.prototype.parenSplit.isNative;
            var html = '<hr />';
            if (getValueOf('popupDiffDates')) {
                html += diffDatesTable(navpop.diffData.Old, navpop.diffData.New);
                html += '<hr />';
            html += shortenDiffString(diffString(oldlines2.join('\n'), newlines2.join('\n'), simpleSplit), getValueOf('popupDiffContextCharacters')).join('<hr />');
            setPopupTipsAndHTML(html.split('\n').join('<br>') + (truncated ? '<hr /><b>' + popupString('Diff truncated for performance reasons') + '</b>' : ''), 'popupPreview', navpop.idNumber);

        function diffDatesTable(oldDl, newDl) {
            var html = '<table class="popup_diff_dates">';
            html += diffDatesTableRow(newDl, tprintf('New revision'));
            html += diffDatesTableRow(oldDl, tprintf('Old revision'));
            html += '</table>';
            return html;

        function diffDatesTableRow(dl, label) {
            var txt = '';
            if (!dl) {
                txt = popupString('Something went wrong :-(');
            } else if (!dl.lastModified) {
                txt = (/^\s*$/.test(dl.data)) ? popupString('Empty revision, maybe non-existent') : popupString('Unknown date');
            } else {
                var datePrint = getValueOf('popupDiffDatePrinter');
                if (typeof dl.lastModified[datePrint] == 'function') {
                    if (getValueOf('popupAdjustDiffDates')) {
                        var off = Cookie.read('popTz');
                        if (off) {
                            var d2 = adjustDate(dl.lastModified, off);
                            txt = dayFormat(d2, true) + ' ' + timeFormat(d2, true);
                    } else {
                        txt = dl.lastModified[datePrint]();
                } else {
                    txt = tprintf('Invalid %s %s', ['popupDiffDatePrinter',
            var revlink = generalLink({
                url: dl.url.replace(/&.*?(oldid=[0-9]+(?:&direction=[^&]*)?).*/, '&$1'),
                text: label,
                title: label
            return simplePrintf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>', [revlink, txt]);

        function titledDiffLink(l) {
            return titledWikiLink({
                article: l.article,
                action: l.to + '&oldid=' + l.from,
                newWin: l.newWin,
                noPopup: l.noPopup,
                text: l.text,
                title: l.title,
                actionName: 'diff'

        function wikiLink(l) {
            if (!(typeof l.article == typeof {} && typeof l.action == typeof '' && typeof l.text == typeof '')) return null;
            if (typeof l.oldid == 'undefined') {
                l.oldid = null;
            var savedOldid = l.oldid;
            if (!/^(edit|view|revert|render)$|^raw/.test(l.action)) {
                l.oldid = null;
            var hint = popupString(l.action + 'Hint');
            var oldidData = [l.oldid, safeDecodeURI(l.article)];
            var revisionString = tprintf('revision %s of %s', oldidData);
            log('revisionString=' + revisionString);
            switch (l.action) {
                case 'edit&section=new':
                    hint = popupString('newSectionHint');
                case 'edit&undo=':
                    if (l.diff && l.diff != 'prev' && savedOldid) {
                        l.action += l.diff + '&undoafter=' + savedOldid;
                    } else if (savedOldid) {
                        l.action += savedOldid;
                    hint = popupString('undoHint');
                case 'raw&ctype=text/css':
                    hint = popupString('rawHint');
                case 'revert':
                    if (!mw.config.get('wgEnableAPI')) {
                        alert('This function of navigation popups now requires a MediaWiki ' + 'installation with the API enabled.');
                    var p = parseParams(pg.current.link.href);
                    l.action = 'edit&autoclick=wpSave&actoken=' + autoClickToken() + '&autoimpl=' + popupString('autoedit_version') + '&autosummary=' + revertSummary(l.oldid, p.diff);
                    if (p.diff == 'prev') {
                        l.action += '&direction=prev';
                        revisionString = tprintf('the revision prior to revision %s of %s', oldidData);
                    if (getValueOf('popupRevertSummaryPrompt')) {
                        l.action += '&autosummaryprompt=true';
                    if (getValueOf('popupMinorReverts')) {
                        l.action += '&autominor=true';
                    log('revisionString is now ' + revisionString);
                case 'nullEdit':
                    l.action = 'edit&autoclick=wpSave&actoken=' + autoClickToken() + '&autoimpl=' + popupString('autoedit_version') + '&autosummary=null';
                case 'historyfeed':
                    l.action = 'history&feed=rss';
                case 'markpatrolled':
                    l.action = 'markpatrolled&rcid=' + l.rcid;
            if (hint) {
                if (l.oldid) {
                    hint = simplePrintf(hint, [revisionString]);
                } else {
                    hint = simplePrintf(hint, [safeDecodeURI(l.article)]);
            } else {
                hint = safeDecodeURI(l.article + '&action=' + l.action) + (l.oldid) ? '&oldid=' + l.oldid : '';
            return titledWikiLink({
                article: l.article,
                action: l.action,
                text: l.text,
                newWin: l.newWin,
                title: hint,
                oldid: l.oldid,
                noPopup: l.noPopup,
                onclick: l.onclick

        function revertSummary(oldid, diff) {
            var ret = '';
            if (diff == 'prev') {
                ret = getValueOf('popupQueriedRevertToPreviousSummary');
            } else {
                ret = getValueOf('popupQueriedRevertSummary');
            return ret + '&autorv=' + oldid;

        function titledWikiLink(l) {
            if (typeof l.article == 'undefined' || typeof l.action == 'undefined') {
                errlog('got undefined article or action in titledWikiLink');
                return null;
            var base = pg.wiki.titlebase + l.article.urlString();
            var url = base;
            if (typeof l.actionName == 'undefined' || !l.actionName) {
                l.actionName = 'action';
            if (l.action != 'view') {
                url = base + '&' + l.actionName + '=' + l.action;
            if (typeof l.oldid !=
                'undefined' && l.oldid) {
                url += '&oldid=' + l.oldid;
            var cssClass = pg.misc.defaultNavlinkClassname;
            if (typeof l.className != 'undefined' && l.className) {
                cssClass = l.className;
            return generalNavLink({
                url: url,
                newWin: l.newWin,
                title: (typeof l.title != 'undefined') ? l.title : null,
                text: (typeof l.text != 'undefined') ? l.text : null,
                className: cssClass,
                noPopup: l.noPopup,
                onclick: l.onclick
        pg.fn.getLastContrib = function getLastContrib(wikipage, newWin) {
            getHistoryInfo(wikipage, function(x) {
                processLastContribInfo(x, {
                    page: wikipage,
                    newWin: newWin

        function processLastContribInfo(info, stuff) {
            if (!info.edits || !info.edits.length) {
                alert('Popups: an odd thing happened. Please retry.');
            if (!info.firstNewEditor) {
                alert(tprintf('Only found one editor: %s made %s edits', [info.edits[0].editor, info.edits.length]));
            var newUrl = pg.wiki.titlebase + new Title(stuff.page).urlString() + '&diff=cur&oldid=' + info.firstNewEditor.oldid;
            displayUrl(newUrl, stuff.newWin);
        pg.fn.getDiffSinceMyEdit = function getDiffSinceMyEdit(wikipage,
            newWin) {
            getHistoryInfo(wikipage, function(x) {
                processDiffSinceMyEdit(x, {
                    page: wikipage,
                    newWin: newWin

        function processDiffSinceMyEdit(info, stuff) {
            if (!info.edits || !info.edits.length) {
                alert('Popups: something fishy happened. Please try again.');
            var friendlyName = stuff.page.split('_').join(' ');
            if (!info.myLastEdit) {
                alert(tprintf('Couldn\'t find an edit by %s\nin the last %s edits to\n%s', [info.userName, getValueOf('popupHistoryLimit'), friendlyName]));
            if (info.myLastEdit.index === 0) {
                alert(tprintf("%s seems to be the last editor to the page %s", [info.userName, friendlyName]));
            var newUrl = pg.wiki.titlebase + new Title(stuff.page).urlString() + '&diff=cur&oldid=' + info.myLastEdit.oldid;
            displayUrl(newUrl, stuff.newWin);

        function displayUrl(url, newWin) {
            if (newWin) {
            } else {
                document.location = url;
        pg.fn.purgePopups = function purgePopups() {
            pg.option = {};

        function processAllPopups(nullify, banish) {
            for (var i = 0; pg.current.links && i < pg.current.links.length; ++i) {
                if (!pg.current.links[i].navpopup) {
                if (nullify || banish) pg.current.links[i].navpopup.banish();
                pg.current.links[i].simpleNoMore = !1;
                if (nullify) pg.current.links[i].navpopup = null;
        pg.fn.disablePopups = function disablePopups() {
            processAllPopups(false, true);
            setupTooltips(null, true);
        pg.fn.togglePreviews = function togglePreviews() {
            processAllPopups(true, true);
            pg.option.simplePopups = !pg.option.simplePopups;

        function magicWatchLink(l) {
            l.onclick = simplePrintf('pg.fn.modifyWatchlist(\'%s\',\'%s\');return false;', [l.article.toString(true).split("\\").join("\\\\").split("'").join("\\'"), this.id]);
            return wikiLink(l);
        pg.fn.modifyWatchlist = function modifyWatchlist(title, action) {
            var reqData = {
                'action': 'watch',
                'format': 'json',
                'title': title,
                'token': mw.user.tokens.get('watchToken'),
                'uselang': mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')
            if (action === 'unwatch') reqData.unwatch = '';
                url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
                dataType: 'json',
                type: 'POST',
                data: reqData
            }).done(function() {
                var mwTitle = mw.Title.newFromText(title);
                var messageName;
                if (mwTitle && mwTitle.getNamespaceId() > 0 && mwTitle.getNamespaceId() % 2 === 1) {
                    messageName = action === 'watch' ? 'addedwatchtext-talk' : 'removedwatchtext-talk';
                } else {
                    messageName = action === 'watch' ? 'addedwatchtext' : 'removedwatchtext';
                mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api.messages', 'mediawiki.jqueryMsg']).then(function() {
                    return new mw.Api().loadMessagesIfMissing([messageName])
                }).done(function(messages) {
                    mw.notify(mw.message(messageName, title).parseDom());

        function magicHistoryLink(l) {
            var jsUrl = '',
                title = '',
                onClick = '';
            switch (l.id) {
                case 'lastContrib':
                    onClick = simplePrintf('pg.fn.getLastContrib(\'%s\',%s)', [l.article.toString(true).split("\\").join("\\\\").split("'").join("\\'"), l.newWin]);
                    title = popupString('lastContribHint');
                case 'sinceMe':
                    onClick = simplePrintf('pg.fn.getDiffSinceMyEdit(\'%s\',%s)', [l.article.toString(true).split("\\").join("\\\\").split("'").join("\\'"), l.newWin]);
                    title = popupString(
            jsUrl = 'javascript:' + onClick;
            onClick += ';return false;';
            return generalNavLink({
                url: jsUrl,
                newWin: !1,
                title: title,
                text: l.text,
                noPopup: l.noPopup,
                onclick: onClick

        function popupMenuLink(l) {
            var jsUrl = simplePrintf('javascript:pg.fn.%s()', [l.id]);
            var title = popupString(simplePrintf('%sHint', [l.id]));
            var onClick = simplePrintf('pg.fn.%s();return false;', [l.id]);
            return generalNavLink({
                url: jsUrl,
                newWin: !1,
                title: title,
                text: l.text,
                noPopup: l.noPopup,
                onclick: onClick

        function specialLink(l) {
            if (typeof l.specialpage == 'undefined' || !l.specialpage) return null;
            var base = pg.wiki.titlebase + mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsSpecialId] + ':' + l.specialpage;
            if (typeof l.sep == 'undefined' || l.sep === null) l.sep = '&target=';
            var article = l.article.urlString({
                keepSpaces: l.specialpage == 'Search'
            var hint = popupString(l.specialpage + 'Hint');
            switch (l.specialpage) {
                case 'Log':
                    switch (l.sep) {
                        case '&user=':
                            hint = popupString('userLogHint');
                        case '&type=block&page=':
                            hint = popupString('blockLogHint');
                        case '&page=':
                            hint = popupString('pageLogHint');
                        case '&type=protect&page=':
                            hint = popupString('protectLogHint');
                        case '&type=delete&page=':
                            hint = popupString('deleteLogHint');
                            log('Unknown log type, sep=' + l.sep);
                            hint = 'Missing hint (FIXME)';
                case 'PrefixIndex':
                    article += '/';
            if (hint) hint = simplePrintf(hint, [safeDecodeURI(l.article)]);
            else hint = safeDecodeURI(l.specialpage + ':' + l.article);
            var url = base + l.sep + article;
            return generalNavLink({
                url: url,
                title: hint,
                text: l.text,
                newWin: l.newWin,
                noPopup: l.noPopup

        function generalLink(l) {
            if (typeof l.url == 'undefined') return null;
            var url = l.url.split('"').join('%22');
            var ret = '<a href="' + url + '"';
            if (typeof l.title != 'undefined' && l.title) {
                ret += ' title="' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(l.title) + '"';
            if (typeof l.onclick != 'undefined' && l.onclick) {
                ret += ' onclick="' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(l.onclick) + '"';
            if (l.noPopup) {
                ret += ' noPopup=1';
            var newWin;
            if (typeof l.newWin == 'undefined' || l.newWin === null) {
                newWin = getValueOf('popupNewWindows');
            } else {
                newWin =
            if (newWin) {
                ret += ' target="_blank"';
            if (typeof l.className != 'undefined' && l.className) {
                ret += ' class="' + l.className + '"';
            ret += '>';
            if (typeof l.text == typeof '') {
                ret += l.text;
            ret += '</a>';
            return ret;

        function appendParamsToLink(linkstr, params) {
            var sp = linkstr.parenSplit(RegExp('(href="[^"]+?)"', 'i'));
            if (sp.length < 2) return null;
            var ret = sp.shift() + sp.shift();
            ret += '&' + params + '"';
            ret += sp.join('');
            return ret;

        function changeLinkTargetLink(x) {
            if (x.newTarget) {
                log('changeLinkTargetLink: newTarget=' + x.newTarget);
            if (x.oldTarget !== decodeURIComponent(x.oldTarget)) {
                log('This might be an input problem: ' + x.oldTarget);
            var cA = literalizeRegex(x.oldTarget);
            var chs = cA.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
            chs = '[' + chs + chs.toLowerCase() + ']';
            var currentArticleRegexBit = chs + cA.substring(1);
            currentArticleRegexBit = currentArticleRegexBit.split(RegExp('(?:[_ ]+|%20)', 'g')).join('(?:[_ ]+|%20)').split('\\(').join('(?:%28|\\()').split('\\)').join('(?:%29|\\))');
            currentArticleRegexBit = '\\s*(' + currentArticleRegexBit +
            var title = x.title || mw.config.get('wgPageName').split('_').join(' ');
            var lk = titledWikiLink({
                article: new Title(title),
                newWin: x.newWin,
                action: 'edit',
                text: x.text,
                title: x.hint,
                className: 'popup_change_title_link'
            var cmd = '';
            if (x.newTarget) {
                var t = x.newTarget;
                var s = literalizeRegex(x.newTarget);
                cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + currentArticleRegexBit + '\\]\\]~[[' + t + '|$1]]~g;';
                cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + currentArticleRegexBit + '[|]~[[' + t + '|~g;';
                cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + s + '\\|' + s + '\\]\\]~[[' + t + ']]~g';
            } else {
                cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + currentArticleRegexBit + '\\]\\]~$1~g;';
                cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + currentArticleRegexBit + '[|](.*?)\\]\\]~$2~g';
            cmd = 'autoedit=' + encodeURIComponent(cmd);
            cmd += '&autoclick=' + encodeURIComponent(x.clickButton) + '&actoken=' + encodeURIComponent(autoClickToken());
            cmd += (x.minor === null) ? '' : '&autominor=' + encodeURIComponent(x.minor);
            cmd += (x.watch === null) ? '' : '&autowatch=' + encodeURIComponent(x.watch);
            cmd += '&autosummary=' + encodeURIComponent(x.summary);
            cmd += '&autoimpl=' + encodeURIComponent(popupString('autoedit_version'));
            return appendParamsToLink(lk, cmd);

        function redirLink(redirMatch, article) {
            var ret = '';
            if (getValueOf('popupAppendRedirNavLinks') && getValueOf('popupNavLinks')) {
                ret += '<hr />';
                if (getValueOf('popupFixRedirs') && typeof autoEdit != 'undefined' && autoEdit) {
                    log('redirLink: newTarget=' + redirMatch);
                    ret += addPopupShortcut(changeLinkTargetLink({
                        newTarget: redirMatch,
                        text: popupString('Redirects'),
                        hint: popupString('Fix this redirect'),
                        summary: simplePrintf(getValueOf('popupFixRedirsSummary'), [article.toString(), redirMatch]),
                        oldTarget: article.toString(),
                        clickButton: getValueOf('popupRedirAutoClick'),
                        minor: !0,
                        watch: getValueOf('popupWatchRedirredPages')
                    }), 'R');
                    ret += popupString(' to ');
                } else ret += popupString('Redirects') + popupString(' to ');
                return ret;
            } else return '<br> ' + popupString('Redirects') + popupString(' to ') + titledWikiLink({
                article: new Title().fromWikiText(redirMatch),
                action: 'view',
                text: safeDecodeURI(redirMatch),
                title: popupString('Bypass redirect')

        function arinLink(l) {
            if (!saneLinkCheck(l)) {
                return null;
            if (!l.article.isIpUser() || !pg.wiki.wikimedia) return null;
            var uN = l.article.userName();
            return generalNavLink({
                url: 'http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=' + encodeURIComponent(uN),
                newWin: l.newWin,
                title: tprintf('Look up %s in ARIN whois database', [uN]),
                text: l.text,
                noPopup: 1

        function toolDbName(cookieStyle) {
            var ret = mw.config.get('wgDBname');
            if (!cookieStyle) {
                ret += '_p';
            return ret;

        function saneLinkCheck(l) {
            if (typeof l.article != typeof {} || typeof l.text != typeof '') {
                return false;
            return true;

        function editCounterLink(l) {
            if (!saneLinkCheck(l)) return null;
            if (!pg.wiki.wikimedia) return null;
            var uN = l.article.userName();
            var tool = getValueOf('popupEditCounterTool');
            var url;
            var soxredToolUrl = '//tools.wmflabs.org/supercount/index.php?user=$1&project=$2.$3';
            switch (tool) {
                case 'custom':
                    url = simplePrintf(getValueOf('popupEditCounterUrl'), [encodeURIComponent(uN), toolDbName()]);
                case 'kate':
                case 'interiot':
                    var theWiki = pg.wiki.hostname.split('.');
                    url = simplePrintf(soxredToolUrl, [
                        encodeURIComponent(uN), theWiki[0], theWiki[1]
            return generalNavLink({
                url: url,
                title: tprintf('editCounterLinkHint', [uN]),
                newWin: l.newWin,
                text: l.text,
                noPopup: 1

        function globalSearchLink(l) {
            if (!saneLinkCheck(l)) return null;
            var base = 'http://vs.aka-online.de/cgi-bin/globalwpsearch.pl?timeout=120&search=';
            var article = l.article.urlString({
                keepSpaces: !0
            return generalNavLink({
                url: base + article,
                newWin: l.newWin,
                title: tprintf('globalSearchHint', [safeDecodeURI(l.article)]),
                text: l.text,
                noPopup: 1

        function googleLink(l) {
            if (!saneLinkCheck(l)) return null;
            var base = 'http://www.google.com/search?q=';
            var article = l.article.urlString({
                keepSpaces: !0
            return generalNavLink({
                url: base + '%22' + article + '%22',
                newWin: l.newWin,
                title: tprintf('googleSearchHint', [safeDecodeURI(l.article)]),
                text: l.text,
                noPopup: 1

        function editorListLink(l) {
            if (!saneLinkCheck(l)) return null;
            var article = l.article.articleFromTalkPage() || l.article;
            var theWiki = pg.wiki.hostname.split('.');
            var base =
                '//tools.wmflabs.org/xtools/articleinfo/index.php?&uselang=' + mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage') + 'lang=' + theWiki[0] + '&wiki=' + theWiki[1] + '&begin=&end=&article=';
            return generalNavLink({
                url: base + article.urlString(),
                title: tprintf('editorListHint', [article]),
                newWin: l.newWin,
                text: l.text,
                noPopup: 1

        function generalNavLink(l) {
            l.className = (l.className === null) ? 'popupNavLink' : l.className;
            return generalLink(l);

        function getHistoryInfo(wikipage, whatNext) {
            getHistory(wikipage, whatNext ? function(d) {
            } : processHistory);

        function getHistory(wikipage, onComplete) {
            if (!mw.config.get('wgEnableAPI')) {
                alert('This function of navigation popups now requires a MediaWiki ' + 'installation with the API enabled.');
                return false;
            var url = pg.wiki.apiwikibase + '?format=json&action=query&prop=revisions&titles=' + new Title(wikipage).urlString() + '&rvlimit=' + getValueOf('popupHistoryLimit');
            log('getHistory: url=' + url);
            if (pg.flag.isIE) {
                url = url + '&*';
            return startDownload(url, pg.idNumber + 'history', onComplete);

        function processHistory(download) {
            var jsobj = getJsObj(download.data);
            try {
                window.x = jsobj;
                var revisions = anyChild(jsobj.query.pages).revisions;
                var edits = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < revisions.length; ++i) {
                        oldid: revisions[i].revid,
                        editor: revisions[i].user
                log('processed ' + edits.length + ' edits');
                return finishProcessHistory(edits, mw.config.get('wgUserName'));
            } catch (someError) {
                log('Something went wrong with JSON business');
                return finishProcessHistory([]);

        function finishProcessHistory(edits, userName) {
            var histInfo = {};
            histInfo.edits = edits;
            histInfo.userName = userName;
            for (var i = 0; i < edits.length; ++i) {
                if (typeof histInfo.myLastEdit === 'undefined' && userName && edits[i].editor == userName) {
                    histInfo.myLastEdit = {
                        index: i,
                        oldid: edits[i].oldid,
                        previd: (i === 0 ? null : edits[i - 1].oldid)
                if (typeof histInfo.firstNewEditor === 'undefined' && edits[i].editor != edits[0].editor) {
                    histInfo.firstNewEditor = {
                        index: i,
                        oldid: edits[i].oldid,
                        previd: (i === 0 ? null : edits[i - 1].oldid)
            return histInfo;

        function defaultize(x) {
            var val = null;
            if (x != 'popupCookies') {
                if (pg.option.popupCookies && (val = Cookie.read(x))) {
                    pg.option[x] = val;
            if (pg.option[x] === null || typeof pg.option[x] == 'undefined') {
                if (typeof window[x] != 'undefined') pg.option[x] = window[x];
                else pg.option[x] = pg.optionDefault[x];

        function newOption(x, def) {
            pg.optionDefault[x] = def;

        function setDefault(x, def) {
            return newOption(x, def);

        function getValueOf(varName) {
            return pg.option[varName];

        function useDefaultOptions() {
            for (var p in pg.optionDefault) {
                pg.option[p] = pg.optionDefault[p];
                if (typeof window[p] != 'undefined') {
                    delete window[p];

        function setOptions() {
            var userIsSysop = !1;
            if (mw.config.get('wgUserGroups')) {
                for (var g = 0; g < mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').length; ++g) {
                    if (mw.config.get('wgUserGroups')[g] == "sysop") userIsSysop = !0;
            newOption('popupDelay', 0.5);
            newOption('popupHideDelay', 0.5);
            newOption('simplePopups', false);
            newOption('popupStructure', 'shortmenus');
                'popupActionsMenu', true);
            newOption('popupSetupMenu', true);
            newOption('popupAdminLinks', userIsSysop);
            newOption('popupShortcutKeys', false);
            newOption('popupHistoricalLinks', true);
            newOption('popupOnlyArticleLinks', true);
            newOption('removeTitles', true);
            newOption('popupMaxWidth', 350);
            newOption('popupInitialWidth', false);
            newOption('popupSimplifyMainLink', true);
            newOption('popupAppendRedirNavLinks', true);
            newOption('popupTocLinks', false);
            newOption('popupSubpopups', true);
            newOption('popupDragHandle', false);
            newOption('popupLazyPreviews', true);
            newOption('popupLazyDownloads', true);
            newOption('popupAllDabsStubs', false);
            newOption('popupDebugging', false);
            newOption('popupAdjustDiffDates', true);
            newOption('popupActiveNavlinks', true);
            newOption('popupModifier', false);
            newOption('popupModifierAction', 'enable');
            newOption('popupDraggable', true);
            newOption('popupImages', true);
            newOption('imagePopupsForImages', true);
            newOption('popupNeverGetThumbs', false);
            newOption('popupThumbAction', 'imagepage');
                'popupImageSize', 60);
            newOption('popupImageSizeLarge', 200);
            newOption('popupFixRedirs', false);
            newOption('popupRedirAutoClick', 'wpDiff');
            newOption('popupFixDabs', false);
            newOption('popupDabsAutoClick', 'wpDiff');
            newOption('popupRevertSummaryPrompt', false);
            newOption('popupMinorReverts', false);
            newOption('popupRedlinkRemoval', false);
            newOption('popupWatchDisambiggedPages', null);
            newOption('popupWatchRedirredPages', null);
            newOption('popupDabWiktionary', 'last');
            newOption('popupNavLinks', true);
            newOption('popupNavLinkSeparator', ' &sdot; ');
            newOption('popupLastEditLink', true);
            newOption('popupEditCounterTool', 'soxred');
            newOption('popupEditCounterUrl', '');
            newOption('popupExtraUserMenu', '');
            newOption('popupPreviews', true);
            newOption('popupSummaryData', true);
            newOption('popupMaxPreviewSentences', 5);
            newOption('popupMaxPreviewCharacters', 600);
            newOption('popupLastModified', true);
            newOption('popupPreviewKillTemplates', true);
            newOption('popupPreviewRawTemplates', true);
            newOption('popupPreviewFirstParOnly', true);
            newOption('popupPreviewCutHeadings', true);
            newOption('popupPreviewButton', false);
            newOption('popupPreviewButtonEvent', 'click');
            newOption('popupPreviewDiffs', true);
            newOption('popupDiffMaxLines', 100);
            newOption('popupDiffContextLines', 2);
            newOption('popupDiffContextCharacters', 40);
            newOption('popupDiffDates', true);
            newOption('popupDiffDatePrinter', 'toLocaleString');
            newOption('popupFixDabsSummary', popupString('defaultpopupFixDabsSummary'));
            newOption('popupExtendedRevertSummary', popupString('defaultpopupExtendedRevertSummary'));
            newOption('popupTimeOffset', null);
            newOption('popupRevertSummary', popupString('defaultpopupRevertSummary'));
            newOption('popupRevertToPreviousSummary', popupString('defaultpopupRevertToPreviousSummary'));
            newOption('popupQueriedRevertSummary', popupString('defaultpopupQueriedRevertSummary'));
            newOption('popupQueriedRevertToPreviousSummary', popupString('defaultpopupQueriedRevertToPreviousSummary'));
            newOption('popupFixRedirsSummary', popupString('defaultpopupFixRedirsSummary'));
            newOption('popupRedlinkSummary', popupString('defaultpopupRedlinkSummary'));
            newOption('popupRmDabLinkSummary', popupString('defaultpopupRmDabLinkSummary'));
            newOption('popupCookies', false);
            newOption('popupHistoryLimit', 50);
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