
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: hold down the Ctrl key and click the Refresh or Reload button. Firefox: hold down the Shift key while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R). Google Chrome and Safari users can just click the Reload button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

if( typeof document.addEventListener != "undefined" ) {
 document.addEventListener("beforeload", blockBannerLoader, true);

function blockBannerLoader(e) {
 if (!e) var e = window.event;
 var el =;
 if( !el ) return;
 var elType = el.nodeName.toUpperCase();

 if (elType && elType === 'SCRIPT' ) {
  var src = el.src;
  if( !src ) return;
  if( src.indexOf( "Special:BannerLoader" ) != -1 || src.indexOf( "Special:BannerListLoader" ) != -1 ) {